해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 10월 16일 22시 기준

1위 El 0.9% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Otro fallecido en Cuba por coronavirus y los nuevos contagios se elevan a 56
  2. [Google News] Giro de Italia en directo hoy: Cervia-Monselice | Etapa 13 en vivo online
  3. [Google News] Las cinco veces en que LeBron James nos recordo que es el mejor jugador de la NBA durante la temporada 2019-2020
  4. [Google News] ¿Gasly a Renault? El rumor que mantiene en vilo al mercado de pases de la Formula 1
  5. [Google News] Tamano del mercado global de Industrial de Cloruro de Sodio 2020-2025, impacto de Covid-19 desde la perspectiva de la cadena industrial, tipos de mercado y aplicaciones | Analisis de participacion de mercado por regiones
  6. [Google News] Lana Del Rey lanza nueva cancion: ≪Let Me Love You Like a Woman≫
  7. [Google News] Koeman saca la mano dura con Griezmann: "El entrenador manda, no hace falta discutir mas"
  8. [Google News] El iPad Air de 2020 ya se puede reservar, asi puedes comprarlo
  9. [Google News] Flamengo tropeca, Luxa cai, Felipao no Cruzeiro e Ceni x Diniz | Posse de Bola #65
  10. [Google News] El suministro de oxigeno ha fallado en la Estacion Espacial Internacional, pero los astronautas estan a salvo

2위 Coronavirus 0.84% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Otro fallecido en Cuba por coronavirus y los nuevos contagios se elevan a 56
  2. [Google News] Coronavirus: R number edges up slightly to between 1.3-1.5 across the UK
  3. [Google News] Coronavirus updates: Maryland sees drop in new cases in people under 30
  4. [Google News] Coronavirus: Boris Johnson urges Manchester politicians to show leadership over rise in cases
  5. [Google News] Coronavirus en Ciudad de Mexico: continuan los contagios con 1.170 nuevos casos y 48 fallecidos
  6. [BBC News] Coronavirus infections still rising rapidly
  7. [Google News] Coronavirus: Police fine west London venue £10,000 after it hosts wedding of more than 100 guests
  8. [Google News] Coronavirus : la Moselle bientot en "zone rouge", le prefet fait des annonces
  9. [Google News] Una adolescente contagio a 11 familiares en un viaje tras dar negativo de coronavirus
  10. [Google News] Testing failures blamed for worsening Derbyshire coronavirus crisis

3위 La 0.84% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Las cinco veces en que LeBron James nos recordo que es el mejor jugador de la NBA durante la temporada 2019-2020
  2. [Google News] ¿Gasly a Renault? El rumor que mantiene en vilo al mercado de pases de la Formula 1
  3. [Google News] Tamano del mercado global de Industrial de Cloruro de Sodio 2020-2025, impacto de Covid-19 desde la perspectiva de la cadena industrial, tipos de mercado y aplicaciones | Analisis de participacion de mercado por regiones
  4. [Google News] Kymco Agility City 125 sortea la crisis y llega a las 5.000 ventas en 2020
  5. [Google News] Xbox lanzara sus consolas junto al catalogo mas grande de su historia
  6. [Google News] Lana Del Rey lanza nueva cancion: ≪Let Me Love You Like a Woman≫
  7. [Google News] Este 19 de octubre comienza la preventa en Chile de Samsung Galaxy S20 FE
  8. [Google News] Koeman saca la mano dura con Griezmann: "El entrenador manda, no hace falta discutir mas"
  9. [Google News] Flamengo tropeca, Luxa cai, Felipao no Cruzeiro e Ceni x Diniz | Posse de Bola #65
  10. [Google News] El suministro de oxigeno ha fallado en la Estacion Espacial Internacional, pero los astronautas estan a salvo

4위 Covid 0.73% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Tamano del mercado global de Industrial de Cloruro de Sodio 2020-2025, impacto de Covid-19 desde la perspectiva de la cadena industrial, tipos de mercado y aplicaciones | Analisis de participacion de mercado por regiones
  2. [Google News] Alemania alcanza nuevo maximo de contagios diarios por COVID-19
  3. [Google News] The Most Unhealthy Places To Travel During The Second Wave Of COVID-19
  4. [Google News] Solden da la bienvenida a la Copa del Mundo de Esqui de la temporada de la “Covid”
  5. [ABC News] Indianapolis Colts close practice facility after "several individuals" test positive for COVID-19
  6. [The Guardian] Remdesivir has very little effect on Covid-19 mortality, WHO finds
  7. [Google News] Doze escolas do Rio tem casos de Covid-19, e especialistas dizem que situacao era esperada
  8. [Google News] Britain moves closer to COVID-19 vaccine trials that infect volunteers
  9. [Google News] Cancelan definitivamente Gran Premio de Vietnam por COVID-19
  10. [Google News] Sandra Barneda: “La pelea entre partidos por el Covid es fea, no toca. Me duele”

5위 Trump 0.55% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Trump To Visit SoCal Sunday For Fundraiser
  2. [Google News] Sorpresas tras el debate que no fue: noche desafiante para Trump y placida para Biden
  3. [Google News] GOP Sen. Sasse unleashes scathing attack on Trump, 'TV-obsessed' narcissist
  4. [Google News] Donald Trump complains that Joe Biden wasn't asked about emails from Hunter's laptop
  5. [Google News] Trump refuses to denounce QAnon, fields questions about health in combative town hall
  6. [CNN] Rudy Giuliani's daughter says to vote for Biden and Harris to end Trump's 'reign of terror'
  7. [Google News] Why White, Non-College Educated Voters Could Boost Trump
  8. [Google News] Trump Has Far Less Cash On Hand Than Biden In Race's Final Weeks
  9. [USA Today] Biden vs. Trump: You saw them in town halls, how do they differ on allies and adversaries?
  10. [CNN] Trump, Biden and America's two, polarized political realities live on prime time

6위 Milano 0.53% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Milano: Salvini, 'Morgan sindaco? Mi piace la sua musica'
  2. [Google News] Milano, mense scolastiche: in 5 anni -20% emissioni equivalenti Co2
  3. [Google News] Premio Scintille 2020 - Milano
  4. [Google News] "Nasconde una pistola", spacciatore 'tradito' da una soffiata sbagliata: l'arresto a Milano
  5. [Google News] Coprifuoco, Bassetti: opportuno a Roma e Milano, situazione preoccupante
  6. [Google News] Comune Milano: trasferiti vigili ripresi nel servizio delle "Iene"
  7. [Google News] Milano, droga: accordi e complicita. Comune: "Trasferiti gli agenti coinvolti"
  8. [Google News] Covid, Bassetti: "Opportuno coprifuoco per Genova, Milano e Roma"
  9. [Google News] Walk-In Studio, a Milano spazi d'arte aperti
  10. [Google News] A Milano i corsi per il Patentino cane speciale

7위 UK 0.44% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Coronavirus: R number edges up slightly to between 1.3-1.5 across the UK
  2. [ABC News] UK, EU each demand the other give way to strike trade deal
  3. [The Guardian] Boris Johnson tells UK: prepare for a no-deal Brexit
  4. [Google News] Zidane frena el 'Caso Jovic': "A Luka le he pedido yo"
  5. [Google News] Japan reportedly decides to release treated Fukushima water into the sea
  6. [Google News] Boris Johnson says UK should get ready for a no-deal Brexit as trade talks stall
  7. [ABC News] UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson says there won’t be trade deal with EU unless there is a 'fundamental' change from bloc
  8. [Google News] Coronavirus death rate in UK hospitals halves since start of pandemic, data shows
  9. [Google News] Breaking: UK PM Johnson calls upon business to get ready for Australia deal
  10. [The Guardian] UK supreme court backs housing charity's 'Jewish only' rule

8위 Biden 0.44% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Sorpresas tras el debate que no fue: noche desafiante para Trump y placida para Biden
  2. [Google News] Donald Trump complains that Joe Biden wasn't asked about emails from Hunter's laptop
  3. [StarTribune] Twitter changes hacked content rules after Biden story furor
  4. [Google News] Kaitlyn Brower Dressman: This pro-life doctor is voting for Biden
  5. [CNN] Rudy Giuliani's daughter says to vote for Biden and Harris to end Trump's 'reign of terror'
  6. [Google News] Trump Has Far Less Cash On Hand Than Biden In Race's Final Weeks
  7. [USA Today] Biden vs. Trump: You saw them in town halls, how do they differ on allies and adversaries?
  8. [CNN] Trump, Biden and America's two, polarized political realities live on prime time
  9. [USA Today] Trump retweets satirical news story about Joe Biden and Twitter
  10. [Google News] Biden says he'll give answer on court packing before election

9위 Roma 0.4% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] For this Romanian photographer, travel camerawork starts in your own country
  2. [Google News] Coprifuoco, Bassetti: opportuno a Roma e Milano, situazione preoccupante
  3. [Google News] Il Coronavirus fa piangere Roma: le reti di solidarieta salvezza della citta
  4. [Google News] Urla e sprangate: italiani e rom si affrontano a Roma (Video)
  5. [Google News] Roma, le candidature anti-Raggi sono uno spettacolo avvilente. Incluso Calenda
  6. [Google News] Roma 2021, a sinistra lo scontro sara tra Carlo Calenda e Monica Cirinna
  7. [Google News] Festa del Cinema di Roma: il documentario lituano “The Jump” - EZ Rome
  8. [Google News] Festa del cinema di Roma 2020: e il giorno i Pete Docter e del suo Soul
  9. [Google News] Top SmackDown Rumors: Backstage unhappiness with Roman Reigns; Heyman reveals Brock Lesnar's new profession after leaving WWE; John Cena return update (16th October)
  10. [Google News] Covid, Bassetti: "Opportuno coprifuoco per Genova, Milano e Roma"

10위 Covid-19 0.33% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Tamano del mercado global de Industrial de Cloruro de Sodio 2020-2025, impacto de Covid-19 desde la perspectiva de la cadena industrial, tipos de mercado y aplicaciones | Analisis de participacion de mercado por regiones
  2. [Google News] Alemania alcanza nuevo maximo de contagios diarios por COVID-19
  3. [Google News] The Most Unhealthy Places To Travel During The Second Wave Of COVID-19
  4. [ABC News] Indianapolis Colts close practice facility after "several individuals" test positive for COVID-19
  5. [The Guardian] Remdesivir has very little effect on Covid-19 mortality, WHO finds
  6. [Google News] Doze escolas do Rio tem casos de Covid-19, e especialistas dizem que situacao era esperada
  7. [Google News] Britain moves closer to COVID-19 vaccine trials that infect volunteers
  8. [Google News] Cancelan definitivamente Gran Premio de Vietnam por COVID-19
  9. [Google News] Pollen is high, flu season is almost here - so how do you know that symptom isn't COVID-19?
  10. [Google News] Cold vs. Flu. vs. COVID-19
#El #Coronavirus #La #Covid #Trump #Milano #UK #Biden #Roma #Covid-19 #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 07월 23일 07시 기준

1위 Trump 2.4% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] Trump says coronavirus response is "working out"
  2. [Independent] Trump contradicts experts and blames Sun Belt coronavirus surge on protesters, young drinkers and Mexico
  3. [USA Today] Trump returns to White House podium for second day as Congress remains deadlocked on coronavirus aid package
  4. [StarTribune] House OKs repeal of Trump travel ban decried as anti-Muslim
  5. [StarTribune] Government defends imprisoning ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen
  6. [USA Today] Trump announces 'surge' of feds to more US cities
  7. [The Guardian] Trump announces 'surge of federal law enforcement' into cities including Chicago ? video
  8. [BBC News] Trump to send 'surge' of hundred of federal agents to cities
  9. [USA Today] 'Tossup in Texas': Biden leads Trump by one point in Lone Star State, according to new poll
  10. [CNN] House votes to repeal Trump administration's controversial travel ban

2위 West 1.67% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] 'What a season, what a league': Slaven Bilic savours West Brom's promotion
  2. [StarTribune] Operator error led to crane accident at Southwest light-rail construction site, officials say
  3. [BBC News] Coronavirus: West Bromwich firm shuts amid 'major outbreak' in cases
  4. [Independent] West Ham: David Moyes can rest easy after 'thoroughly deserved' point against Manchester United secures Premier League survival
  5. [The Guardian] West Brom promoted to Premier League despite nervy last-day draw with QPR
  6. [Independent] Manchester United vs West Ham: Paul Pogba should have taken shot 'in the mush' for handball penalty
  7. [Sky News] 'A sledgehammer to a fly': West Hollywood fears new stay-at-home order
  8. [ABC News] Man United back in Champions League spots, West Ham stays up
  9. [Independent] West Brom promoted to Premier League after dramatic final day in the Championship
  10. [BBC News] Man Utd need point for Champions League after West Ham draw

3위 League 1.57% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] Liverpool Premier League trophy lift: Special ceremony to mark first league title for 30 years
  2. [ABC News] 2 England Champions League places left open until final day
  3. [The Guardian] 'What a season, what a league': Slaven Bilic savours West Brom's promotion
  4. [Independent] West Ham: David Moyes can rest easy after 'thoroughly deserved' point against Manchester United secures Premier League survival
  5. [The Guardian] FBI links 'anti-feminist' lawyer suspected of murder to separate killing of colleague
  6. [Sky News] Liverpool lift Premier League trophy for first time
  7. [The Guardian] West Brom promoted to Premier League despite nervy last-day draw with QPR
  8. [Independent] Liverpool trophy presentation: Champions lift Premier League trophy on the Kop
  9. [Independent] Liverpool vs Chelsea result: Player ratings from Reds' win in rollercoaster Premier League fixture
  10. [Independent] Liverpool trophy presentation LIVE: Reds lift Premier League title on the Kop

4위 United 1.36% 관련 반응

  1. [Independent] West Ham: David Moyes can rest easy after 'thoroughly deserved' point against Manchester United secures Premier League survival
  2. [Independent] Manchester United: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer 'delighted' with chance to secure top-four place
  3. [BBC News] Leeds United fans celebrate championship at Elland Road
  4. [Independent] Manchester United vs West Ham: Paul Pogba should have taken shot 'in the mush' for handball penalty
  5. [ABC News] Man United back in Champions League spots, West Ham stays up
  6. [The Guardian] Greenwood grabs point for Manchester United after Pogba's penalty blunder
  7. [Independent] Mason Greenwood rescues draw for lacklustre Manchester United against West Ham
  8. [Independent] Manchester United vs West Ham result: Five things we learned as draw benefits both teams at Old Trafford
  9. [Independent] Man United vs West Ham result: Player ratings as Hammers hold Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side
  10. [ABC News] United sees revenue stalling at 50% without a virus vaccine

5위 Premier 1.15% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] Liverpool Premier League trophy lift: Special ceremony to mark first league title for 30 years
  2. [Independent] West Ham: David Moyes can rest easy after 'thoroughly deserved' point against Manchester United secures Premier League survival
  3. [ABC News] Sudan’s premier appoints civilians as provincial governors
  4. [Sky News] Liverpool lift Premier League trophy for first time
  5. [The Guardian] West Brom promoted to Premier League despite nervy last-day draw with QPR
  6. [Independent] Liverpool trophy presentation: Champions lift Premier League trophy on the Kop
  7. [Independent] Liverpool vs Chelsea result: Player ratings from Reds' win in rollercoaster Premier League fixture
  8. [Independent] Liverpool trophy presentation LIVE: Reds lift Premier League title on the Kop
  9. [Independent] West Brom promoted to Premier League after dramatic final day in the Championship
  10. [The Guardian] Liverpool 5-3 Chelsea: Premier League ? as it happened

6위 Liverpool 0.94% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] Liverpool Premier League trophy lift: Special ceremony to mark first league title for 30 years
  2. [ABC News] Liverpool beats Chelsea 5-3 before collecting PL trophy
  3. [BBC News] Liverpool: Anfield police order to 'prevent disorder'
  4. [Sky News] Liverpool lift Premier League trophy for first time
  5. [Independent] Liverpool trophy presentation: Champions lift Premier League trophy on the Kop
  6. [Independent] Liverpool vs Chelsea result: Five things we learned as Naby Keita stars in goalfest at Anfield
  7. [Independent] Liverpool vs Chelsea result: Player ratings from Reds' win in rollercoaster Premier League fixture
  8. [Independent] Liverpool vs Chelsea result: Free-scoring Champions win thriller before trophy presentation
  9. [Independent] Liverpool trophy presentation LIVE: Reds lift Premier League title on the Kop
  10. [The Guardian] Liverpool 5-3 Chelsea: Premier League ? as it happened

7위 GOP 0.94% 관련 반응

  1. [USA Today] Iowa GOP congressional candidate apologizes for plagiarism, cuts ties with consulting firm
  2. [USA Today] Congressional upsets: Progressives, candidates of color, and GOP outsiders net primary wins
  3. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: GOP senators consider $600 extension; US orders 100 million vaccine doses from Pfizer; California cases top NY
  4. [CNN] Senate GOP balks at Trump's call to withhold federal dollars from closed schools
  5. [StarTribune] No Marcus Carr decision. Missing newcomers. But Richard Pitino making most of Gophers' summer practice start
  6. [CNN] Colorado GOP senator asks NRSC to take down ad attacking his opponent
  7. [CBS News] GOP senators eye short-term extension of expanded unemployment aid
  8. [StarTribune] Democrats warn GOP divisions are delaying virus aid
  9. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: GOP senators consider $600 extension; Pfizer hopes for October vaccine OK; California cases top NY
  10. [USA Today] GOP congressman says Trump's well wishes to Ghislaine Maxwell were 'unacceptably obtuse'

8위 City 0.94% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] Swansea City boss Steve Cooper insists 'no celebration until promotion'
  2. [BBC News] Neil Harris: Play-off pressure on Fulham, says Cardiff City boss
  3. [StarTribune] Federal operation in Kansas City targets violent crime
  4. [BBC News] Cardiff City 3-0 Hull City: Cardiff cruise to play-offs and Hull relegated
  5. [The Guardian] California city removes Black Lives Matter mural after request to add pro-Trump art
  6. [USA Today] Donald Trump: Federal law officers in Chicago will work with the city on crime problem
  7. [The Guardian] FCA may block appointments to improve City diversity
  8. [Independent] Fear City: Netflix viewers 'hooked' on new crime documentary hailed as 'real-life version of The Wire'
  9. [USA Today] NYPD breaks up occupy city hall encampment
  10. [USA Today] Police: 15 shot in drive-by shoot-out at Chicago funeral, city's largest mass shooting in years

9위 Chicago 0.84% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] Trump announces 'surge of federal law enforcement' into cities including Chicago ? video
  2. [Independent] Trump announces 'surge' of federal officers to Chicago despite outrage over Portland crackdown
  3. [USA Today] Donald Trump: Federal law officers in Chicago will work with the city on crime problem
  4. [StarTribune] Live: Follow the Twins with our writers in Chicago
  5. [StarTribune] Podcast: La Velle E. Neal is in Chicago and previews the American League Central
  6. [USA Today] Police: Gang revenge fuels latest Chicago violence
  7. [CNN] Trump set to expand federal policing effort to Chicago and Albuquerque
  8. [USA Today] Police: 15 shot in drive-by shoot-out at Chicago funeral, city's largest mass shooting in years

10위 Ham 0.84% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] Newspaper headlines: 'Winter quadruple whammy' and 'we won't shop you'
  2. [BBC News] Neil Harris: Play-off pressure on Fulham, says Cardiff City boss
  3. [ABC News] 2 England Champions League places left open until final day
  4. [Independent] West Ham: David Moyes can rest easy after 'thoroughly deserved' point against Manchester United secures Premier League survival
  5. [The Guardian] Wigan looking to lawyers after Fulham equaliser sends them towards drop
  6. [BBC News] Leeds United fans celebrate championship at Elland Road
  7. [Independent] Liverpool trophy presentation: Champions lift Premier League trophy on the Kop
  8. [Independent] Liverpool vs Chelsea result: Free-scoring Champions win thriller before trophy presentation
  9. [Independent] Manchester United vs West Ham: Paul Pogba should have taken shot 'in the mush' for handball penalty
  10. [Sky News] 'A sledgehammer to a fly': West Hollywood fears new stay-at-home order
#Trump #West #League #United #Premier #Liverpool #GOP #City #Chicago #Ham #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 07월 22일 07시 기준

1위 Trump 4.21% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] Trump predicts pandemic will 'get worse before it gets better'
  2. [StarTribune] Brewery says it never authorized Trump event, closes for day
  3. [CBS News] Trump encourages Americans to wear a mask in coronavirus briefing
  4. [ABC News] Will 'get worse before it gets better': Trump at 1st coronavirus briefing in months
  5. [USA Today] 'Wear a mask.' Trump predicts coronavirus will 'get worse' as he returns to briefings
  6. [CNN] Fauci responds to Trump: 'I consider myself more a realist than an alarmist'
  7. [USA Today] Trump politicizes city violence, sends more feds
  8. [Sky News] Trump: Pandemic will 'probably get worse before it gets better'
  9. [Independent] Trump admits coronavirus will 'probably, unfortunately' get worse before it gets better
  10. [ABC News] Rachel Maddow and Mary Trump make formidable TV combination

2위 US 1.4% 관련 반응

  1. [NBC News] 'What in the hell are we doing?' Divided Senate Republicans clash over coronavirus relief
  2. [ABC News] United Airlines posts $1.6 billion loss in virus-scarred 2Q
  3. [CBS News] 1 in 3 NYC small businesses won't survive pandemic
  4. [CBS News] Trump encourages Americans to wear a mask in coronavirus briefing
  5. [The Guardian] Coronavirus Australia live update: doctors call on Morrison to provide national advice on face masks ? latest news
  6. [ABC News] Will 'get worse before it gets better': Trump at 1st coronavirus briefing in months
  7. [BBC News] Policeman seriously injured after being driven at in Glasgow
  8. [USA Today] 'Wear a mask.' Trump predicts coronavirus will 'get worse' as he returns to briefings
  9. [CBS News] Researchers make strides toward coronavirus vaccine
  10. [BBC News] Peter Petrou death: Man arrested on suspicion of murder

3위 House 1.26% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] The Point: Why today's fight among House Republicans *actually* matters
  2. [CNN] Ohio state House speaker arrested in connection to $60 million bribery scheme
  3. [CBS News] Trump orders Census not to count undocumented immigrants toward House seats
  4. [USA Today] 'It's affecting every single bit of my job': Coronavirus, police reform create hurdles in race for control of House
  5. [CBS News] House conservatives target Liz Cheney in contentious meeting
  6. [CBS News] Ohio House speaker arrested in $60 million bribery case
  7. [USA Today] White House backs federal agents use in US cities
  8. [StarTribune] Louisiana parish can move Confederate statue from courthouse
  9. [USA Today] Trump tells census to not count undocumented people for purposes of deciding House apportionment

4위 George 1.26% 관련 반응

  1. [NBC News] Gag order lifted for 4 former Minneapolis officers in George Floyd case
  2. [BBC News] Prince George photos mark seventh birthday
  3. [StarTribune] Hennepin County judge drops gag order in case against four ex-cops charged in killing of George Floyd
  4. [ABC News] Minnesota judge lifts gag order in case against 4 ex-officers charged in death of George Floyd
  5. [ABC News] Former Minneapolis officers charged in death of George Floyd set to appear in court
  6. [Sky News] New photos of Prince George released to mark royal's seventh birthday
  7. [Independent] Prince George: Duke and Duchess of Cambridge release two new photos to mark royal's seventh birthday
  8. [BBC News] George Hankins: Gloucestershire batsman admits drink-driving
  9. [ABC News] Minnesota judge lifts gag order in George Floyd case

5위 Senate 1.12% 관련 반응

  1. [NBC News] 'What in the hell are we doing?' Divided Senate Republicans clash over coronavirus relief
  2. [NBC News] Senate committee approves contentious nominee for Fed board
  3. [CNN] Senate votes to limit some military equipment transfers to police departments
  4. [ABC News] Senate panel approves Trump's controversial Fed nominee
  5. [StarTribune] Federal coronavirus response dominates Kentucky Senate race
  6. [ABC News] Senate panel approves Trump's questionable Fed nominee
  7. [ABC News] Senate committee backs Trump's questionable Fed nominee Judy Shelton on party-line vote
  8. [CNN] Senate GOP plans another round of direct checks for Americans in next relief bill, McConnell says

6위 Biden 1.12% 관련 반응

  1. [NBC News] In economic speech, Biden blasts Trump's handling of the pandemic
  2. [ABC News] Biden unveils caregiver plan, says Trump 'quit' on country
  3. [CBS News] Biden proposes investment in caregiving community amid pandemic
  4. [The Guardian] 'He's quit on you': Joe Biden says Trump does not care about America ? video
  5. [Independent] 'He's quit on this country': Biden slams Trump administration's coronavirus response while unveiling plan to get Americans back to work
  6. [USA Today] President Trump's campaign to paint Joe Biden as mentally unfit becomes a gamble
  7. [CNN] Democrats raise concerns over Russian-linked campaign targeting Biden
  8. [USA Today] What we know about Joe Biden's plans to announce his running mate
  9. [BBC News] Facebook labels Trump and Biden posts on voting in US 2020 election

7위 Man 1.12% 관련 반응

  1. [USA Today] Family of man killed in MN unrest demand charges
  2. [StarTribune] Three restaurants at MSP make permanent job cuts as air travel remains weak
  3. [BBC News] Policeman seriously injured after being driven at in Glasgow
  4. [BBC News] Peter Petrou death: Man arrested on suspicion of murder
  5. [StarTribune] DA: Man faked death to avoid prison but typo gave him away
  6. [ABC News] 4-0 rout by Man City deepens Watford's relegation concerns
  7. [CNN] Warren asks CDC to mandate masks, citing Georgia's local ban
  8. [ABC News] Family demands charges in shooting during Floyd protests
  9. [BBC News] Watford 0-4 Man City: Pep Guardiola happy with display after poor FA Cup exit
  10. [CBS News] AOC says GOP congressman "accosted" her on Capitol steps

8위 City 1.12% 관련 반응

  1. [USA Today] Opinion: NFL, college football will increase strain on nation's COVID-19 testing capacity
  2. [USA Today] Trump politicizes city violence, sends more feds
  3. [ABC News] 4-0 rout by Man City deepens Watford's relegation concerns
  4. [BBC News] Watford 0-4 Man City: Pep Guardiola happy with display after poor FA Cup exit
  5. [Independent] Dua Lipa issues statement after controversial Kosovar-Albanians tweet: 'We all deserve to be proud of our ethnicity'
  6. [USA Today] Change of plans: Indy 500 to be held in 2020 at 25% capacity; mask-wearing mandatory
  7. [The Guardian] Watford's survival hopes hit as Raheem Sterling sparks Manchester City rout
  8. [BBC News] Sterling-inspired Man City leave Watford in bottom three
  9. [ABC News] Indianapolis 500 attendance limited to 25% capacity
  10. [Independent] Watford vs Man City result: Visitors highlight Hornets' lack of hope and identity as relegation looms

9위 Villa 1.12% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] Mahmoud Trezeguet downs Arsenal to lift Aston Villa out of relegation zone
  2. [Independent] Jack Grealish 'not sure' on Aston Villa future but says it would 'mean everything' to keep club in Premier League
  3. [Independent] Aston Villa vs Arsenal result: Five things we learned as Trezeguet sends Villa out of the relegation zone
  4. [Independent] Aston Villa vs Arsenal result: Dean Smith's side give themselves a fighting chance of Premier League survival with heroic win
  5. [Independent] Aston Villa vs Arsenal result: Player ratings as Trezeguet lifts home side out of relegation zone
  6. [Independent] Aston Villa vs Arsenal: 'Back Arteta, Kroenke Out' banner flown over stadium during Premier League fixture
  7. [The Guardian] Aston Villa v Arsenal: Premier League ? live!

10위 League 1.12% 관련 반응

  1. [ABC News] Relegation fight heads to last day of Premier League season
  2. [Independent] Jack Grealish 'not sure' on Aston Villa future but says it would 'mean everything' to keep club in Premier League
  3. [Independent] Aston Villa vs Arsenal result: Dean Smith's side give themselves a fighting chance of Premier League survival with heroic win
  4. [Independent] Chelsea revisit the slip but are in the shadows as Liverpool prepare to lift Premier League trophy and 'close the circle'
  5. [USA Today] Canadian Football League's Edmonton team drops 'Eskimos' mascot, will determine new name in future
  6. [Independent] Aston Villa vs Arsenal: 'Back Arteta, Kroenke Out' banner flown over stadium during Premier League fixture
  7. [USA Today] Popular sports video game Rocket League will be free to play starting this summer
  8. [The Guardian] Aston Villa v Arsenal: Premier League ? live!
  9. [The Guardian] Watford v Manchester City: Premier League ? live!
#Trump #US #House #George #Senate #Biden #Man #City #Villa #League #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 07월 21일 07시 기준

1위 Trump 3.79% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] Trump tweets image of himself wearing a mask and calls it 'patriotic'
  2. [StarTribune] He's back: Trump to re-up virus briefings amid lagging polls
  3. [USA Today] Trump pushes mask wearing, says he'll resume White House coronavirus briefings amid spike in cases
  4. [USA Today] After Trump meeting, GOP considers payroll tax cut, another stimulus check in next COVID bill
  5. [ABC News] Fox's Chris Wallace gets praise for his interview with Trump
  6. [CNN] Contradicting Trump, NC governor says he never demanded a convention limit of '10 people' in arena
  7. [USA Today] After Trump meeting, GOP eyes payroll tax cut, another stimulus check in next COVID bill
  8. [USA Today] DC mayor criticizes Trump on virus testing
  9. [CNN] Trump administration preparing to send federal agents to Chicago
  10. [The Guardian] By abandoning the Paris agreement, Trump makes America less safe | Ban Ki-moon

2위 Coronavirus 1.62% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] Coronavirus Australia live update: jobkeeper to run to March as NSW anxiously awaits news of latest hotspots
  2. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Did 'herd immunity' change the course of the outbreak?
  3. [USA Today] Coronavirus delays debut of world's largest cruise ship, Royal Caribbean's Wonder of the Seas
  4. [CBS News] Bankruptcies surging as coronavirus levels U.S. economy
  5. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Why are Americans so angry about masks?
  6. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Concerns over workplace outbreaks in Republic
  7. [USA Today] Trump pushes mask wearing, says he'll resume White House coronavirus briefings amid spike in cases
  8. [USA Today] Blacks, Latinos and the poor less likely to get $1,200 coronavirus stimulus checks, new report says
  9. [BBC News] Tenet movie release delayed again due to coronavirus
  10. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Cases at virus-hit Mathon farm hit 120

3위 England 1.62% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] Joe Root hails 'Mr Incredible' Ben Stokes after all-round display in England win
  2. [The Guardian] Broad has hunger to shine for England beyond end of Anderson double act | Andy Bull
  3. [Independent] Joe Root says 'we are in the presence of greatness' after Ben Stokes' latest England heroics
  4. [BBC News] England v West Indies: Ben Stokes leads England to second Test victory at Old Trafford - highlights
  5. [The Guardian] UK is in a V-shaped recovery, says Bank of England economist
  6. [The Guardian] 'A dream to play in England': West Ham Women sign France defender Cissoko
  7. [BBC News] England v West Indies: Ben Stokes & Stuart Broad help hosts win second Test
  8. [The Guardian] Stokes and Broad lead charge as England beat West Indies to level series
  9. [BBC News] England v West Indies: Dom Bess takes the last wicket as England beat the West Indies
  10. [CBS News] New England Trump supporters on his defense of "heritage"

4위 League 1.22% 관련 반응

  1. [Independent] Champions League: Pep Guardiola 'excited' to test his Man City side against Real Madrid
  2. [Independent] Wolves vs Crystal Palace result: Daniel Podence puts Nuno's side in pole position for Europa League
  3. [CNN] Ousted New York Democrat warns his colleagues: 'Very dangerous' to engage in intraparty primary fights
  4. [The Guardian] Wolves v Crystal Palace: Premier League ? live!
  5. [Independent] Sheffield United vs Everton result: Richarlison deals massive blow to Blades' Europa League aspirations
  6. [Independent] Brighton secure Premier League survival with game to spare after gritty draw with Newcastle
  7. [Independent] Wolves vs Crystal Palace LIVE: Result and reaction from Premier League fixture tonight
  8. [The Guardian] Toronto Wolfpack pull out of Super League season as relegation is cancelled
  9. [Independent] Zinedine Zidane hopes Real Madrid's Eden Hazard can 'recover completely' to play key Champions League role
  10. [BBC News] Super League: No relegation in 2020 as Toronto Wolfpack withdraw

5위 Congress 0.95% 관련 반응

  1. [USA Today] Congress appears to be the target of a 'concerted foreign interference campaign,' top Dems say
  2. [CNN] Democrats demand FBI brief Congress on foreign 'disinformation' campaign targeting 2020 election
  3. [Independent] Trump consults 'waterboarding' lawyer on how to skirt Congress through executive order loophole
  4. [CBS News] Top Democrats ask FBI for briefing on foreign interference targeting Congress
  5. [CBS News] Top Democrats ask FBI to brief full Congress on foreign election interference
  6. [USA Today] Congress honors Lewis with moment of silence
  7. [Independent] Trump and Congress up against the clock on coronavirus, military spending and more

6위 Minnesota 0.95% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] New Minnesota guilty plea in growing, nationwide multimillion-dollar magazine fraud case
  2. [StarTribune] Federal judge in Minnesota sentences second brother for sending drone parts to Hezbollah
  3. [StarTribune] State warns 14 Minnesota bars and restaurants: stop violating COVID-19 requirements
  4. [StarTribune] Minnesota reports infant COVID-19 death, more than 900 new cases
  5. [StarTribune] Minnesota Twins intrasquad game. Here's the link to watch
  6. [StarTribune] Minnesota reports its 1st COVID-related death of child
  7. [StarTribune] Minnesota reports child COVID-19 death, more than 900 new cases

7위 Lewis 0.95% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Renaming Alabama bridge for John Lewis opposed in Selma
  2. [CNN] Georgia state Sen. Nikema Williams picked to replace Lewis on November ballot
  3. [USA Today] Georgia Democrats choose state Sen. Nikema Williams, a student of John Lewis' 'good trouble,' to replace him on ballot
  4. [Independent] Nikema Williams: Georgia Democrats choose replacement for civil rights hero John Lewis's seat
  5. [StarTribune] Democrats urge action on voting rights as tribute to Lewis
  6. [USA Today] Rep. James E. Clyburn: John Lewis made his life a sermon. Honor him with moral deeds.
  7. [USA Today] Georgia Democrats choose state Sen. Nikema Williams, a student of John Lewis' `good trouble,' to replace him on the ballot
  8. [USA Today] Congress honors Lewis with moment of silence

8위 New 0.95% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Lynx broadcast schedule delivers great news for fans missing basketball
  2. [The Guardian] Coronavirus Australia live update: jobkeeper to run to March as NSW anxiously awaits news of latest hotspots
  3. [BBC News] Newspaper headlines: 'Vaccine for Christmas' and Russian 'meddling'
  4. [StarTribune] New Minnesota guilty plea in growing, nationwide multimillion-dollar magazine fraud case
  5. [USA Today] Attorney found dead in New York may be linked to fatal shooting at NJ judge's house
  6. [USA Today] Blacks, Latinos and the poor less likely to get $1,200 coronavirus stimulus checks, new report says
  7. [CBS News] CBS Weekend News, July 19, 2020
  8. [CNN] Ousted New York Democrat warns his colleagues: 'Very dangerous' to engage in intraparty primary fights
  9. [StarTribune] Bodies not yet out from partly collapsed New Orleans hotel
  10. [StarTribune] West wants $1M for new moms, slams Tubman at campaign rally

9위 Democrats 0.95% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] Democrats demand FBI brief Congress on foreign 'disinformation' campaign targeting 2020 election
  2. [USA Today] Georgia Democrats choose state Sen. Nikema Williams, a student of John Lewis' 'good trouble,' to replace him on ballot
  3. [Independent] Nikema Williams: Georgia Democrats choose replacement for civil rights hero John Lewis's seat
  4. [StarTribune] Democrats urge action on voting rights as tribute to Lewis
  5. [CBS News] Top Democrats ask FBI for briefing on foreign interference targeting Congress
  6. [USA Today] Georgia Democrats choose state Sen. Nikema Williams, a student of John Lewis' `good trouble,' to replace him on the ballot
  7. [CBS News] Top Democrats ask FBI to brief full Congress on foreign election interference

10위 John 0.95% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] Care services must now be nationalised, says John McDonnell
  2. [StarTribune] Renaming Alabama bridge for John Lewis opposed in Selma
  3. [USA Today] Georgia Democrats choose state Sen. Nikema Williams, a student of John Lewis' 'good trouble,' to replace him on ballot
  4. [Independent] Nikema Williams: Georgia Democrats choose replacement for civil rights hero John Lewis's seat
  5. [Independent] Johnny Depp accused me of having affair with 'pumpkin-head' Leonardo DiCaprio, claims Amber Heard
  6. [USA Today] Rep. James E. Clyburn: John Lewis made his life a sermon. Honor him with moral deeds.
  7. [The Guardian] Psycho Raab confused at being the biggest dove in the Commons on China | John Crace
  8. [USA Today] Georgia Democrats choose state Sen. Nikema Williams, a student of John Lewis' `good trouble,' to replace him on the ballot
#Trump #Coronavirus #England #League #Congress #Minnesota #Lewis #New #Democrats #John #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 07월 20일 07시 기준

1위 Trump 2.62% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] Linkin Park issues cease and desist letter over pro-Trump video
  2. [The Guardian] Donald Trump v Fox News Sunday: extraordinary moments from a wild interview
  3. [StarTribune] AP FACT CHECK: Trump bending facts on virus, Biden, economy
  4. [CNN] Trump campaign pushes Facebook ads bashing TikTok
  5. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: Congress takes up stimulus checks, $600 weekly jobless benefit; Trump says 'I'll be right eventually' as records fall
  6. [USA Today] Trump says he wanted to hold 'big rally' in Michigan, was told he couldn't
  7. [NBC News] 'A direct threat to our democracy': Portland mayor responds after Trump says city 'lost control'
  8. [USA Today] Linkin Park says it sent cease-and-desist letter to President Trump for using their song
  9. [Independent] Coronavirus, Confederate flags, and mental fitness: Trump struggles for answers in heated interview with Fox News
  10. [NYT] As Trump Ignores Virus Crisis, Republicans Start to Contradict Him

2위 Cup 2.38% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] David de Gea blunders as Chelsea beats Man Utd to reach the FA Cup final
  2. [CNN] Chelsea into FA Cup final after David de Gea howlers
  3. [The Guardian] De Gea's decline continues as United's FA Cup chance evades his grasp | Jonathan Wilson
  4. [ABC News] De Gea mistakes see Chelsea beat Man U to reach FA Cup final
  5. [The Guardian] Chelsea pounce on De Gea errors to reach FA Cup final at United's expense
  6. [BBC News] FA Cup: Mason Mount profits from 'absolute howler' by De Gea to double Chelsea's lead
  7. [Independent] Manchester United vs Chelsea result: Five things we learned as Blues reach FA Cup final
  8. [Independent] Chelsea stun Man United as De Gea howler helps set up FA Cup final with Arsenal
  9. [Independent] Man United vs Chelsea player ratings: Olivier Giroud shines as David de Gea endures nightmare in FA Cup semi-final
  10. [The Guardian] Manchester United v Chelsea: FA Cup semi-final ? live!

3위 FA 2.38% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] REI faces staff backlash over response to COVID-19 cases
  2. [CNN] David de Gea blunders as Chelsea beats Man Utd to reach the FA Cup final
  3. [CNN] Chelsea into FA Cup final after David de Gea howlers
  4. [The Guardian] De Gea's decline continues as United's FA Cup chance evades his grasp | Jonathan Wilson
  5. [The Guardian] Trans women face potential women’s rugby ban over safety concerns
  6. [StarTribune] Report: Disney cuts back on Facebook, Instagram ads
  7. [CNN] 'Father of Global Entry' departs CBP amid pandemic and drop in international travel
  8. [USA Today] For activist Amanda Blackhorse, Washington's NFL team finally dropping racist name is far from enough
  9. [Independent] 'No mask!': Demonstrators gather in Hyde Park to protest mandatory face coverings in shops
  10. [BBC News] Leeds United promotion: Fans gather in Millennium Square to celebrate

4위 Chelsea 2.14% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] David de Gea blunders as Chelsea beats Man Utd to reach the FA Cup final
  2. [CNN] Chelsea into FA Cup final after David de Gea howlers
  3. [ABC News] De Gea mistakes see Chelsea beat Man U to reach FA Cup final
  4. [The Guardian] Chelsea pounce on De Gea errors to reach FA Cup final at United's expense
  5. [Independent] Frank Lampard hails 'personality' of Chelsea side at Wembley with 'three finals' ahead
  6. [BBC News] FA Cup: Mason Mount profits from 'absolute howler' by De Gea to double Chelsea's lead
  7. [Independent] Manchester United vs Chelsea result: Five things we learned as Blues reach FA Cup final
  8. [Independent] Chelsea stun Man United as De Gea howler helps set up FA Cup final with Arsenal
  9. [Independent] Man United vs Chelsea player ratings: Olivier Giroud shines as David de Gea endures nightmare in FA Cup semi-final
  10. [The Guardian] Manchester United v Chelsea: FA Cup semi-final ? live!

5위 United 2.14% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] De Gea's decline continues as United's FA Cup chance evades his grasp | Jonathan Wilson
  2. [BBC News] Leeds United promotion: Fans gather in Millennium Square to celebrate
  3. [The Guardian] Chelsea pounce on De Gea errors to reach FA Cup final at United's expense
  4. [StarTribune] United Properties new development operations leader sees projects advance despite pandemic
  5. [Independent] Leeds United have reached Premier League 'base camp' but have sights set on Europe, says Angus Kinnear
  6. [BBC News] Marcelo Bielsa: How Leeds United head coach turned team into champions
  7. [Independent] Manchester United vs Chelsea result: Five things we learned as Blues reach FA Cup final
  8. [Independent] Chelsea stun Man United as De Gea howler helps set up FA Cup final with Arsenal
  9. [ABC News] Man United's Bailly taken off after 2nd clash of heads
  10. [Independent] Man United vs Chelsea player ratings: Olivier Giroud shines as David de Gea endures nightmare in FA Cup semi-final

6위 Portland 1.9% 관련 반응

  1. [USA Today] Portland protests spur House Democrats to call for probe into use of federal officers against protesters
  2. [CNN] House committee chairs call for IG investigation into use of federal officers to quell Portland and DC protests
  3. [Independent] 'They just started wailing on me': Veteran speaks out after video of federal officers beating him at Portland protests goes viral
  4. [ABC News] Fires set, fences moved: Police call Portland protest a riot
  5. [CBS News] Riot declared in Portland after fire lit at police building
  6. [NBC News] 'A direct threat to our democracy': Portland mayor responds after Trump says city 'lost control'
  7. [BBC News] Portland protests: Mayor demands federal troops leave city
  8. [USA Today] Portland, Oregon, police declare Saturday gathering a riot after another night of protest, unrest

7위 Gea 1.67% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] David de Gea blunders as Chelsea beats Man Utd to reach the FA Cup final
  2. [CNN] Chelsea into FA Cup final after David de Gea howlers
  3. [The Guardian] De Gea's decline continues as United's FA Cup chance evades his grasp | Jonathan Wilson
  4. [ABC News] De Gea mistakes see Chelsea beat Man U to reach FA Cup final
  5. [The Guardian] Chelsea pounce on De Gea errors to reach FA Cup final at United's expense
  6. [BBC News] FA Cup: Mason Mount profits from 'absolute howler' by De Gea to double Chelsea's lead
  7. [Independent] Chelsea stun Man United as De Gea howler helps set up FA Cup final with Arsenal
  8. [Independent] Man United vs Chelsea player ratings: Olivier Giroud shines as David de Gea endures nightmare in FA Cup semi-final

8위 NFL 1.43% 관련 반응

  1. [USA Today] Opinion: NFL had the most time to deal with COVID-19 and appears to have done the least
  2. [The Guardian] Host of NFL stars attack NFL for having 'no clear plan' over Covid-19
  3. [USA Today] For activist Amanda Blackhorse, Washington's NFL team finally dropping racist name is far from enough
  4. [USA Today] #WeWantToPlay: NFL stars take to social media to demand clarity on COVID-19 protocols
  5. [ABC News] Players plead with NFL to address health, safety concerns

9위 Man 1.19% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] David de Gea blunders as Chelsea beats Man Utd to reach the FA Cup final
  2. [The Guardian] Coronavirus Australia live update: Victoria hotel quarantine inquiry kicks off as masks made mandatory in Melbourne ? latest news
  3. [BBC News] Greenwich Holiday Inn stabbing: Man charged with murder
  4. [StarTribune] Police arrest Cudahy man after sister found dead in home
  5. [USA Today] For activist Amanda Blackhorse, Washington's NFL team finally dropping racist name is far from enough
  6. [Independent] 'No mask!': Demonstrators gather in Hyde Park to protest mandatory face coverings in shops
  7. [ABC News] De Gea mistakes see Chelsea beat Man U to reach FA Cup final
  8. [Independent] Nigel Pearson sacked as Watford manager with two games remaining
  9. [USA Today] #WeWantToPlay: NFL stars take to social media to demand clarity on COVID-19 protocols
  10. [StarTribune] Eden Prairie's JD Spielman transfers from Nebraska to TCU

10위 Coronavirus 1.19% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Nicklaus says he tested positive for coronavirus, antibodies
  2. [The Guardian] Coronavirus Australia live update: Victoria hotel quarantine inquiry kicks off as masks made mandatory in Melbourne ? latest news
  3. [ABC News] Administration seeks to zero out CDC, NIH funding in coronavirus relief bill: Sources
  4. [StarTribune] Thrift, secondhand stores back in business ??with restrictions because of coronavirus
  5. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: Congress takes up stimulus checks, $600 weekly jobless benefit; Trump says 'I'll be right eventually' as records fall
  6. [Independent] Coronavirus, Confederate flags, and mental fitness: Trump struggles for answers in heated interview with Fox News
  7. [Independent] Lanarkshire: Coronavirus cluster investigated amid reports of outbreak at contact tracing centre
  8. [The Guardian] Bitter coronavirus summit exposes trust deficit among EU leaders
  9. [CNN] Trump calls Fauci 'a little bit of an alarmist' as coronavirus cases rise
  10. [USA Today] Polls show Trump's advantage over Biden on the economy evaporates as coronavirus cases climb
#Trump #Cup #FA #Chelsea #United #Portland #Gea #NFL #Man #Coronavirus #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 07월 17일 14시 기준

1위 Coronavirus 3.06% 관련 반응

  1. [ABC News] India's Health Ministry says the country has surpassed 1 million cases of the coronavirus
  2. [BBC News] Coronavirus: 'Growing concern' over Wakefield infection spread
  3. [The Guardian] Are stage 4 coronavirus lockdown restrictions coming to Victoria?
  4. [The Telegraph] Man charged with fraudulently claiming $9m in coronavirus relief and gambling with it in Las Vegas
  5. [Sky News] Nearly 100,000 mink to be culled after coronavirus outbreak on Spanish farm
  6. [The Telegraph] British students are now exempt from US coronavirus travel ban
  7. [CBS News] LA County sees record number of daily new coronavirus cases
  8. [The Telegraph] Coronavirus forces British Airways to retire?entire fleet of Boeing's jumbo jets
  9. [BBC News] Coronavirus: UN makes record $10.3bn appeal for pandemic fight
  10. [StarTribune] Struggling India crosses 1 million coronavirus cases

2위 Trump 2.84% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] Historical perspective on Trump's "go back" tweet
  2. [CBS News] Analyzing the impact of Trump's Twitter rant on extremists online
  3. [CBS News] Trump and GOP lawmakers call for Schiff to resign
  4. [CBS News] Trump's recent pivot on health care leaves some Republican lawmakers "scratching their heads"
  5. [The Guardian] TikTok could break away from Chinese parent to avoid ban, says Trump adviser
  6. [CBS News] Trump far ahead of past incumbents in campaign cash
  7. [StarTribune] Despite Supreme Court ruling, Trump administration rejects new DACA applications
  8. [CBS News] Trump accuses Democratic committees of "stealing" White House staffers
  9. [CBS News] Trump: All options are on the table in Venezuela
  10. [CBS News] Trump claims hush money payments to women were not illegal

3위 New 1.97% 관련 반응

  1. [ABC News] Strong quake strikes in remote part of Papua New Guinea
  2. [CBS News] CBS News poll: Health care is top issue for Democrats in 2020
  3. [StarTribune] Strong quake strikes near Papua New Guinea, tsunami possible
  4. [ABC News] Strong earthquake shakes near Papua New Guinea, U.S. agency says a hazardous tsunami is possible on coast near epicenter
  5. [CBS News] Sen. Bernie Sanders struggling to attract new supporters
  6. [CBS News] DNC announces new criteria for fall presidential debates
  7. [CBS News] New documentary follows four progressive women candidates during 2018 midterms
  8. [CBS News] CBS Evening News, July 16, 2020
  9. [CBS News] With the Mueller investigation complete, attention now turns to the Southern District of New York
  10. [BBC News] New South Wales erosion: Huge swells leave homes at risk of collapse

4위 Democrats 1.53% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] Democrats see Michigan as critical to winning the White House in 2020
  2. [CBS News] CBS News poll: Health care is top issue for Democrats in 2020
  3. [The Guardian] Global report: US Democrats urged to skip convention as Covid-19 cases surge
  4. [CBS News] As 2020 Democrats focus on debates, Pete Buttigieg faces crisis back home
  5. [CBS News] Biden defiant after criticism from fellow Democrats over segregationist comments
  6. [CBS News] Democrats and Republicans battle over ending shutdown
  7. [CBS News] Democrats remain cautious on topic of impeachment

5위 House 1.09% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] Democrats see Michigan as critical to winning the White House in 2020
  2. [CBS News] Growing rift between the White House and Congress
  3. [CBS News] House delays resolution seen as subtle rebuke of Democratic Congresswoman
  4. [CBS News] Trump accuses Democratic committees of "stealing" White House staffers
  5. [CBS News] Oakland to pay $32.7 million settlement in deadly warehouse fire
  6. [CBS News] House Intel Committee builds up staff to reboot Russia investigation
  7. [StarTribune] Oakland to pay $32.7M to settle deadly warehouse fire suits
  8. [ABC News] Oakland agrees to pay $32.7 million to settle lawsuits over 2016 Ghost Ship warehouse fire that killed 36 in California
  9. [BBC News] Research robot helps with housework and other news

6위 Biden 1.09% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] Joe Biden speaks at Iowa State Fair
  2. [CBS News] Biden defiant after criticism from fellow Democrats over segregationist comments
  3. [CBS News] Joe Biden says he'll be "more mindful" of personal space, but doesn't apologize in statement
  4. [CBS News] Woman accuses Joe Biden of inappropriate touching at 2009 fundraiser
  5. [CBS News] Dems look elsewhere as Biden mulls 2020 bid

7위 California 0.87% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] California moves up its 2020 Democratic primary to Super Tuesday
  2. [ABC News] Judge: Californians can buy foie gras from out of state
  3. [CBS News] Are California and Texas the new early-state primary elections to watch?
  4. [ABC News] Californians can legally buy foie gras, but not in eateries
  5. [ABC News] Utility's power lines caused huge 2019 California wildfire
  6. [ABC News] Oakland agrees to pay $32.7 million to settle lawsuits over 2016 Ghost Ship warehouse fire that killed 36 in California

8위 Congress 0.87% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] Democratic officials tell members of Congress not to travel to national convention
  2. [CBS News] Growing rift between the White House and Congress
  3. [CBS News] House delays resolution seen as subtle rebuke of Democratic Congresswoman
  4. [CBS News] What to expect from Congress when Mueller delivers final report
  5. [CBS News] New Congress breaks records, but renews old battles

9위 Washington 0.87% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Man killed in Washington County crash
  2. [CNN] At least 15 women are accusing Washington Redskins staffers of sexual harassment, report says
  3. [CBS News] Lobbying efforts grow in Washington as more states legalize marijuana
  4. [USA Today] Fifteen former female employees of Washington NFL team allege sexual harassment in workplace, per report

10위 County 0.87% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Man killed in Washington County crash
  2. [StarTribune] Hennepin County Board, Sheriff Dave Hutchinson discuss law enforcement's role in the wake of pandemic, Floyd killing
  3. [CBS News] LA County sees record number of daily new coronavirus cases
  4. [StarTribune] COVID-19 spreading well beyond Duluth in St. Louis County
#Coronavirus #Trump #New #Democrats #House #Biden #California #Congress #Washington #County #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

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