해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2019년 04월 06일 21시 기준

1위 Brexit 1.73% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] UK removes "European Union" from passports despite Brexit delay
  2. [Independent] Brexit: Chancellor Philip Hammond insists government has 'no red lines' in crisis talks with Labour
  3. [Reutors] Brexit seen discussed at G20 next week: EU's Dombrovskis
  4. [Reutors] Brexit seen discussed at G20 next week - EU's Dombrovskis
  5. [Reutors] UK minister sees Brexit deal with Labour, opposition wants flexibility
  6. [Sky News] Govt has 'no red lines' in Brexit talks with Labour - Hammond
  7. [Reutors] UPDATE 2-UK minister sees Brexit deal with Labour, opposition wants flexibility
  8. [The Guardian] Tory MP says joining in EU elections would be ‘existential threat’ to party
  9. [Independent] Brexit delay: Tory minister says taking part in EU elections would be 'suicide note' for party
  10. [BBC News] Dem-Rhydd: 'Rhaid i'r bobl gael y gair olaf'

2위 Iran 1.46% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Rouhani says Iran ready to expand gas, power trade with Iraq
  2. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-Rouhani says Iran ready to expand gas, power trade with Iraq
  3. [Reutors] Iraq closes border crossing with Iran due to floods - sources
  4. [Reutors] Iraq closes border crossing with Iran due to floods: sources
  5. [Reutors] Rouhani says Iran ready to expand gas, power trade with Iraq: TV
  6. [Reutors] Rouhani says Iran ready to expand gas, power trade with Iraq - TV
  7. [Independent] Trump administration set to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guards as terrorist group, report says
  8. [The Guardian] Six more towns evacuated in Iran with more floods expected
  9. [BBC News] New evacuations in Iran as floods worsen
  10. [Reutors] Iran to blacklist U.S. military if Washington designates Guards as terrorists - MP

3위 Labour 1.06% 관련 반응

  1. [Independent] Brexit: Chancellor Philip Hammond insists government has 'no red lines' in crisis talks with Labour
  2. [Reutors] UK minister sees Brexit deal with Labour, opposition wants flexibility
  3. [Sky News] Govt has 'no red lines' in Brexit talks with Labour - Hammond
  4. [Reutors] UPDATE 2-UK minister sees Brexit deal with Labour, opposition wants flexibility
  5. [The Guardian] Tory MP says joining in EU elections would be ‘existential threat’ to party
  6. [The Guardian] Punch-ups and party splits: what reporting on Brexit has taught me | Anushka Asthana
  7. [The Guardian] Face the facts, Labour leftwingers: Lexit is dead | Owen Smith
  8. [Independent] NHS offering 짙127m of contracts to private companies despite health secretary pledging: 'No privatisation on my watch'
  9. [Reutors] Hammond sees deal with Labour on Brexit
  10. [Reutors] UK finance minister sees deal with Labour on Brexit

4위 Iraq 0.8% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Rouhani says Iran ready to expand gas, power trade with Iraq
  2. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-Rouhani says Iran ready to expand gas, power trade with Iraq
  3. [Reutors] Iraq closes border crossing with Iran due to floods - sources
  4. [Reutors] Iraq closes border crossing with Iran due to floods: sources
  5. [Reutors] Rouhani says Iran ready to expand gas, power trade with Iraq: TV
  6. [Reutors] Rouhani says Iran ready to expand gas, power trade with Iraq - TV

5위 Trump 0.8% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] Ilhan Omar: man arrested after he made death threat ??then left contact details
  2. [CBS News] Trump says Mexico will face penalties for illegal border crossings
  3. [The Guardian] Mitch McConnell is destroying the Senate ? and American government | Robert Reich
  4. [NBC News] Year after Trump's family separations announced, scars remain and migration hasn't slowed
  5. [Independent] Keystone XL: Opponents ask judge to block new Trump permit on long-stalled oil pipeline
  6. [Independent] Stephen Colbert: 'Trump is obsessed with being liked, that's why so many people can't stand him'
  7. [The Guardian] Trump says the US is 'full' on visit to US-Mexico border ? video
  8. [Independent] Trump administration set to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guards as terrorist group, report says
  9. [Sky News] Trump warns migrants: 'We can't take you. Our country is full'

6위 New 0.66% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] "Congestion Pricing" passes in New York as other states consider the plan for themselves
  2. [The Guardian] Ilhan Omar: man arrested after he made death threat ??then left contact details
  3. [ABC News] AP Top Entertainment News at 8:12 a.m. EDT
  4. [USA Today] A bad thumb drive, hacked phone and Uber woes: In the internet age, don't trust anyone
  5. [The Guardian] Soldier who rushed to Parsons Green bomb given bravery award
  6. [The Guardian] The upside down: inside Manhattan’s Lowline subterranean park
  7. [The Guardian] Carys Davies on south Wales: ‘The valleys, the coast, gave me an abiding sense of where I come from’
  8. [The Guardian] Mitch McConnell is destroying the Senate ? and American government | Robert Reich
  9. [The Guardian] Roll up: ‘Sexual health circus’ is coming to Bristol schools
  10. [NBC News] Desperate refugees say some U.N. workers demand bribes to resettle them

7위 Kong 0.66% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] UPDATE 16-Hong Kong Sevens results
  2. [Reutors] UPDATE 15-Hong Kong Sevens summaries
  3. [Reutors] UPDATE 10-Hong Kong Sevens summaries
  4. [Reutors] Hong Kong authorities say seize biggest rhino horn haul in five years
  5. [Reutors] UPDATE 9-Hong Kong Sevens results

8위 UK 0.66% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] UK removes "European Union" from passports despite Brexit delay
  2. [The Guardian] ‘I’m so scared’: man who fled DRC for UK as child to be deported
  3. [Reutors] UK minister sees Brexit deal with Labour, opposition wants flexibility
  4. [Reutors] UPDATE 2-UK minister sees Brexit deal with Labour, opposition wants flexibility
  5. [Independent] Shane O'Brien: 'Most wanted' fugitive charged over murder of Josh Hanson after extradition to UK
  6. [Reutors] UK finance minister sees deal with Labour on Brexit
  7. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-UK finance minister sees deal with Labour on Brexit

9위 Sevens 0.53% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] UPDATE 16-Hong Kong Sevens results
  2. [Reutors] UPDATE 15-Hong Kong Sevens summaries
  3. [Reutors] UPDATE 10-Hong Kong Sevens summaries
  4. [Reutors] UPDATE 9-Hong Kong Sevens results

10위 National 0.53% 관련 반응

  1. [ABC News] Estonian populists, 2 other parties seal coalition deal
  2. [Reutors] U.N. to hold Libya's national conference as planned: envoy
  3. [The Guardian] Carys Davies on south Wales: ‘The valleys, the coast, gave me an abiding sense of where I come from’
  4. [BBC News] Aintree Ladies Day: Gang involved in 'large-scale' fight
  5. [The Guardian] Haftar's advance leaves UN's hopes for Libya settlement in tatters
  6. [The Guardian] Grand National meeting 2019: the mud, glamour and drama ? in pictures
  7. [The Guardian] Grand National day 2019 ? live!
  8. [The Guardian] 20 of the best Easter days out for families
  9. [USA Today] Everything you need to know about the NCAA tournament's Final Four
  10. [BBC News] Maidenhead United v Barnet
#Brexit #Iran #Labour #Iraq #Trump #New #Kong #UK #Sevens #National #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

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