책을 좋아하지만 어떤 책을 읽어야 할지 모르는 분들을 위한 추천 도서 리스트!

책을 좋아하지만 어떤 책을 읽어야 할지 모르는 분들을 위해, 여러분의 취향에 맞는 추천 도서 리스트를 소개합니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트는 여러분이 책을 골라 읽을 때 도움이 될 것입니다. 이 리스트를 통해 새로운 책을 발견하고, 독서의 즐거움을 더욱 높여보세요!

1. 자기계발 도서

자기계발 도서는 여러분의 삶을 더욱 풍요롭게 만들어 줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 책들은 여러분이 자신의 능력을 더욱 개발하고 발전시키는 데 도움이 됩니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'를 추천합니다. 이 책은 스티븐 코비가 쓴 자기계발 서적으로, 여러분이 성공적인 삶을 살기 위해 필요한 7가지 습관을 소개합니다.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

2. 소설

소설은 여러분을 다른 세상으로 끌어들이며, 여러분의 상상력을 자극해 줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'The Great Gatsby'를 추천합니다. 이 책은 F. 스콧 피츠제럴드가 쓴 소설로, 1920년대 뉴욕을 배경으로 한 이야기입니다. 이 책은 위대한 사랑과 돈, 그리고 인생의 의미를 다루고 있습니다.

The Great Gatsby

3. 자연과 환경 도서

자연과 환경 도서는 여러분이 자연을 더욱 잘 이해하고, 환경 문제에 대해 더욱 관심을 가질 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'The Hidden Life of Trees'를 추천합니다. 이 책은 피터 월러블이 쓴 책으로, 나무들의 은밀한 삶을 다루고 있습니다. 이 책을 읽으면서 여러분은 나무들이 어떻게 서로 소통하며 살아가는지 알아볼 수 있습니다.

The Hidden Life of Trees

4. 역사 도서

역사 도서는 과거의 사건들을 다시 한 번 되새겨보고, 우리의 미래를 생각해볼 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind'를 추천합니다. 이 책은 유발 하라리가 쓴 책으로, 인류의 역사를 요약하고 있습니다. 이 책을 읽으면서 여러분은 인류의 역사를 새롭게 이해할 수 있습니다.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

5. 경제 도서

경제 도서는 여러분이 경제적인 문제에 대해 더욱 잘 이해하고, 더욱 현명한 선택을 할 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'Freakonomics'를 추천합니다. 이 책은 스티븐 레빗과 스티븐 다부너가 쓴 책으로, 경제학적인 문제를 다루고 있습니다. 이 책을 읽으면서 여러분은 경제학적인 문제에 대해 더욱 쉽게 이해할 수 있습니다.


취향에 따라 책을 골라 읽는 분들을 위한, 독서 유형별 추천 도서 리스트!

각자의 취향에 따라 책을 골라 읽는 분들을 위해, 독서 유형별 추천 도서 리스트를 소개합니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트를 통해 여러분은 자신의 취향에 맞는 책을 찾아 읽을 수 있습니다. 취향에 따라 책을 골라 읽으면서, 여러분만의 독서 스타일을 만들어 보세요!

1. 추리 소설

추리 소설은 여러분을 긴장감 넘치는 이야기로 끌어들이며, 여러분의 두뇌를 자극해 줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo'를 추천합니다. 이 책은 스웨덴의 작가 스티그 라슨이 쓴 추리 소설로, 여러분을 스릴 넘치는 이야기로 끌어들입니다.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

2. 판타지 소설

판타지 소설은 여러분을 환상적인 세계로 끌어들이며, 여러분의 상상력을 자극해 줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'The Lord of the Rings'를 추천합니다. 이 책은 J.R.R. 톨킨이 쓴 판타지 소설로, 여러분을 중세 판타지 세계로 끌어들입니다.

The Lord of the Rings

3. 로맨스 소설

로맨스 소설은 여러분을 감동적인 이야기로 끌어들이며, 여러분의 감성을 자극해 줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'The Notebook'을 추천합니다. 이 책은 니콜라스 스파크스가 쓴 로맨스 소설로, 여러분을 감동적인 이야기로 끌어들입니다.

The Notebook

4. 고전 소설

고전 소설은 여러분을 고전적인 이야기로 끌어들이며, 여러분의 지식을 넓혀줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'Pride and Prejudice'를 추천합니다. 이 책은 제인 오스틴이 쓴 고전 소설로, 여러분을 19세기 영국으로 끌어들입니다.

Pride and Prejudice

책을 읽는 재미를 높이고 싶은 분들을 위한, 다양한 독서 유형에 따른 추천 도서 리스트!

책을 읽는 재미를 높이고 싶은 분들을 위해, 다양한 독서 유형에 따른 추천 도서 리스트를 소개합니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트를 통해 여러분은 새로운 독서 경험을 할 수 있을 것입니다. 다양한 독서 유형에 따른 추천 도서 리스트를 참고하여, 여러분만의 독서 스타일을 만들어 보세요!

1. 만화

만화는 여러분을 재미있는 이야기로 끌어들이며, 여러분의 시각적인 감각을 자극해 줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'One Piece'를 추천합니다. 이 만화는 오다 에이치로가 그린 만화로, 해적 세계를 배경으로 한 이야기입니다.

One Piece

2. 자전적인 책

자전적인 책은 여러분의 삶을 되돌아보고, 새로운 인사이트를 얻을 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'Becoming'을 추천합니다. 이 책은 미셸 오바마가 쓴 자전적인 책으로, 그녀의 삶과 경험을 다루고 있습니다.


3. 예술

예술 책은 여러분의 예술적인 감각을 자극해 줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'The Story of Art'를 추천합니다. 이 책은 에. H. 괴델이 쓴 예술 책으로, 서양 미술사를 다루고 있습니다.

The Story of Art

4. 과학

과학 책은 여러분의 지식을 넓혀줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'A Brief History of Time'을 추천합니다. 이 책은 스티븐 호킹이 쓴 과학 책으로, 우주와 시간에 대한 이야기를 다루고 있습니다.

A Brief History of Time

5. 요리

요리 책은 여러분이 맛있는 음식을 만들 수 있도록 도와줄 수 있는 책입니다. 이 추천 도서 리스트에서는 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking'을 추천합니다. 이 책은 줄리아 차일드가 쓴 요리 책으로, 프랑스 요리를 다루고 있습니다.

Mastering the Art of French Cooking

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2022년 02월 08일 07시 기준

1위 Cultura 0.43% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Obra de la Secretaria de Cultura de CDMX reflexiona sobre Covid-19 y el abandono
  2. [Google News] Secretaria de Cultura realiza exposicao Fotografica com o Foto Clube de Cascavel
  3. [Google News] Francolini designo a la nueva subsecretaria de Cultura - Concordia
  4. [Google News] Quinones nuevo editor de Cultura y Espectaculos de El Caribe y CDN
  5. [Google News] Cultura Itinerante encerra com live apos percorrer bairros e povoados de Teresina
  6. [Google News] Cultura.- David Lynch se une al reparto de la pelicula autobiografica de Steven Spielberg
  7. [Google News] Cultura.- China restituye el final original de El club de la lucha tras las criticas por la censura
  8. [Google News] Cultura.- Jared Leto, Amy Adams o Ben Affleck entre los nominados a los Razzie que crean una categoria para Bruce Willis
  9. [Google News] Cultura.- 'Apagon', la serie de Movistar+ revela las primeras imagenes del capitulo dirigido por Raul Arevalo
  10. [Google News] Curso Completo de Portugues do Zarinha Centro de Cultura melhora desempenho em concursos e na carreira profissional

2위 Super 0.39% 관련 반응

  1. [NBC News] 1 dead in shooting at Washington state supermarket; gunman on loose
  2. [Google News] Precios de entradas al Super Bowl LVI apuntan a los mas altos de la historia
  3. [Google News] Goldstein House creates perfect setting for Super Bowl party in LA - KABC
  4. [Google News] El ano clave de El Senor de los Anillos: la trilogia regresa a los cines y la serie de Amazon apunta al Super Bowl
  5. [Google News] Crisis politica: Castillo se reunio con coach especialista en autosanacion y superacion personal
  6. [Google News] Frente a frente de las defensivas de Rams y Bengals que disputaran el Super Bowl LVI
  7. [Google News] SiriusXM Announces Extensive Sports and Entertainment Programming for Super Bowl LVI Week in Los Angeles
  8. [Google News] Cristiano Ronaldo supera los 400 millones de seguidores en Instagram y es record
  9. [USA Today] Opinion: Sean McVay vs. Zac Taylor puts NFL's coaching revolution in Super Bowl spotlight
  10. [Google News] Quienes seran los artistas que animaran el show del Super Bowl

3위 Bowl 0.39% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Precios de entradas al Super Bowl LVI apuntan a los mas altos de la historia
  2. [Google News] Goldstein House creates perfect setting for Super Bowl party in LA - KABC
  3. [Google News] El ano clave de El Senor de los Anillos: la trilogia regresa a los cines y la serie de Amazon apunta al Super Bowl
  4. [Google News] Alvin Kamara, estrella de la NFL, detenido por agresion el fin de semana de la Pro Bowl
  5. [Google News] Frente a frente de las defensivas de Rams y Bengals que disputaran el Super Bowl LVI
  6. [Google News] SiriusXM Announces Extensive Sports and Entertainment Programming for Super Bowl LVI Week in Los Angeles
  7. [USA Today] Opinion: Sean McVay vs. Zac Taylor puts NFL's coaching revolution in Super Bowl spotlight
  8. [Google News] Quienes seran los artistas que animaran el show del Super Bowl
  9. [Google News] Top 10 team turnarounds of Super Bowl era: Where do 2021 Bengals rank?
  10. [Google News] Scarlett Johansson y Colin Jost se reunen en la pantalla para el Super Bowl 2022

4위 New 0.32% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] Australia politics live news updates: federal parliament returns with religious discrimination bill up for debate
  2. [Google News] Trump news - live: Archives staff say more records being located by ex-prez’s aides at Mar-a-Lago
  3. [Google News] Coronavirus update and global economy news
  4. [Google News] Live breaking news: Heatwave to fuel WA bushfires; Defence to aid aged care sector; Tourism operators 'thrilled' by border call
  5. [The Guardian] Houston Texans set to appoint Lovie Smith as new head coach
  6. [StarTribune] Amir Locke's killing prompts new scrutiny of state's no-knock warrant laws
  7. [Google News] Society of St. Vincent de Paul Has a New CEO
  8. [Google News] Sydney news: Southern hemisphere's 'longest escalators' installed at Central Station
  9. [ABC News] AP source: Texans expected to hire Smith as new head coach
  10. [Google News] MTA chief to City: Fully refund half-price MetroCards for poor New Yorkers | amNewYork

5위 Paris 0.31% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] El coche de lujo de Antonela Roccuzzo en Paris
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  3. [Google News] Coronavirus : 98,94 % de cas de variant Omicron suspectes a Paris
  4. [Google News] Course-poursuite a 180 km/h : une BMW s’embrase en plein Paris
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  7. [Google News] Economie: friture sur la ligne Paris-Berlin
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  9. [Google News] En Paris se dispara la reventa legal para ver el PSG-Real Madrid
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6위 Roma 0.31% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Roma, scontro tra bus turistico e rider: grave 29enne
  2. [Google News] Roma, trovata distesa nella vasca da bagno: Tabita era morta da giorni
  3. [Google News] Si da fuoco a casa: 25enne grave/ Trasportato da Messina a Roma: ustioni su 70% corpo
  5. [Google News] Yanina Screpante emprendio un viaje con su novio Federico Rozas y reafirmo su romance en Punta del Este
  6. [Google News] Karol G y James Rodriguez, las pistas del supuesto romance
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  8. [Google News] Bertolini-Zaniolo, la Roma chiede chiarimenti alla FIGC: arriva la rettifica della CT
  9. [Google News] Viabilita Roma Regione Lazio del 07-02-2022 ore 19:45 - RomaDailyNews
  10. [Google News] Diamo i numeri - Inter-Roma: solo due successi per i giallorossi a Milano in Coppa Italia

7위 Milano 0.31% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] "Milano moderna" di Fulvio Irace | Edito da 24 ORE Cultura | Casa Museo Boschi Di Stefano, Milano
  2. [Google News] Maltempo, raffiche e vento forte a Milano e in Lombardia: danni e feriti. FOTO
  3. [Google News] Diamo i numeri - Inter-Roma: solo due successi per i giallorossi a Milano in Coppa Italia
  4. [Google News] Roma in partenza per Milano per la Coppa Italia contro l’Inter ? FOTO GALLERY
  5. [Google News] Milano, anteprima Striscia la notizia: Enrico Lucci alle sfilate di moda di “AltaRoma”
  6. [Google News] Belen Rodriguez e Stefano De Martino non si nascondono piu: una cena a lume di candela a Milano
  7. [Google News] Il rider eroe che ha soccorso un'anziana a Milano
  8. [Google News] Giovanni Truppi porta “Tutto L’Universo” nei teatri di Napoli, Roma e Milano
  9. [Google News] Piazza Prealpi, inaugurata la prima panchina gialla di Milano per Giulio Regeni e Patrick Zaki ? Mianews
  10. [Google News] Meteo Diretta: Vento fortissimo a Milano, alberi divelti e persone ferite. Il Video

8위 Life 0.29% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Court: '3 Strikes' Life Sentences Can Count Juvenile Crimes
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  7. [Google News] 6-year-old among 4 shot at ‘Celebration of Life’ service in Wilmington
  8. [Google News] Romeoville shooting left 5 with non-life threatening injuries: cops - The Herald
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9위 Rio 0.27% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Encontraron un bebe abandonado en Rosario
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  3. [Google News] Viajar al exterior sin pasar por Buenos Aires: tres ciudades del interior reanudaron sus vuelos internacionales
  4. [Google News] Rogerio nega influencia de Brasilia em sua gestao
  5. [Google News] Cidade do Rio de Janeiro vai diminuir numero de pontos de testagem ao longo de fevereiro
  6. [Google News] Dictan curso universitario sobre Taylor Swift: "Es un honor compartir mi experiencia como Swiftie"
  7. [Google News] Cuando son los corsos en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, barrio por barrio - TN
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  10. [Google News] Banplus hace cultura con su Calendario Musical 2022

10위 China 0.24% 관련 반응

  1. [Radio Free Asia] Rights group protests China’s repatriation of North Korean escapees
  2. [Google News] Los Juegos en la burbuja: China lleva las medidas al extremo
  3. [Google News] Cultura.- China restituye el final original de El club de la lucha tras las criticas por la censura
  4. [Google News] TMW RADIO - Tacchinardi: "Tonali mostruoso nel derby, non e mai fallo quello di Giroud"
  5. [Radio Free Asia] In the South China Sea, even the name is disputed
  6. [Google News] Beijing 2022: las criticas de atletas y federaciones a China y al Comite Olimpico por la organizacion de los Juegos de Invierno
  7. [Google News] UFFICIALE - Coppa d'Africa, nessun azzurro nella Top 11: Koulibaly e Anguissa in panchina
  8. [Radio Free Asia] China puts Vietnam border city of four million under strict COVID-19 lockdown
  9. [NYT] Criticism of Zhu Yi, a U.S.-born skater, shows the harsh scrutiny of naturalized athletes in China.
  10. [Google News] Stronger, tighter, bolder: China-Russia ‘alliance’ rings a bell
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해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2021년 11월 05일 08시 기준

1위 New 0.67% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] New group at Virginia Tech to examine sexual violence culture and climate
  2. [Google News] Utah reports 2267 new COVID cases, 14 deaths as hospital delays non-urgent procedures
  3. [ABC News] New grand jury seated as Trump criminal probe continues
  4. [USA Today] DOJ targets Texas again; lawsuit challenges voting restrictions in new state law
  5. [Google News] Eagles castoff Eric Wilson finds a new home
  6. [CNN] January 6 committee chair said he has signed about 20 new subpoenas that are going out 'soon'
  7. [Intellasia] Japan to ease entry rules, admit some new foreign visitors
  8. [Intellasia] New anorexic patients up 60pct among young people in Japan
  9. [Intellasia] 3,635 new COVID cases, 12 more deaths in Singapore
  10. [Intellasia] New report forecasts Singapore’s defence market growth

2위 Cultura 0.46% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Realizan Jornada de fortalecimiento de capacidades productivas y promocion de la cultura indigena
  2. [Google News] Invita Cultura Coahuila a La Exposicion 'La Muerte y Sus Colores' ? El Diario de Coahuila
  3. [Google News] Dakota Johnson cree que cancelar la cultura es 'una decepcion'
  4. [Google News] De la A de Amenabar a la Z de Alizzz: la cultura se encontro en el escenario de los premios ICON
  5. [Google News] Fomentar la cultura en las familias cueramarenses es prioridad
  6. [Google News] Arte y cultura generan paz y esperanza: Marina del Pilar
  7. [Google News] Circuito Municipal de Cultura promove apresentacoes artisticas em novembro
  8. [Google News] Nombran a Paola Morena como directora del Instituto de la Cultura y las Artes ? Pedro Canche Noticias
  9. [Google News] Secretaria de Cultura apoia 2ª Mostra...
  10. [Google News] Sorteo Extraordinario Loteria Nacional de la Cultura: ¿que premios reparte?

3위 China 0.43% 관련 반응

  1. [Intellasia] China coal prices claw back after Beijing signals pacing down price drive
  2. [Intellasia] China’s debt-to-GDP ratio falls again, but pace of deleveraging eases as economy falters
  3. [Intellasia] China says US report on nuclear arsenal ‘full of prejudice’
  4. [Intellasia] The west has to work with China to ‘end coal’ purely hectoring will achieve little
  5. [Intellasia] China could have 1,000 nuclear weapons by 2030, warns Pentagon
  6. [Intellasia] China’s Property Developers Struggle to Find Buyers for Billions in Assets
  7. [Intellasia] China expanding its nuclear arsenal faster than anticipated: Pentagon
  8. [Intellasia] China stockpiles food as energy crisis and Covid outbreak threaten Xi’s grip on power
  9. [Intellasia] Tesla rejects reports on Qingdao as site of its second China EV plant, pledges to boost investment in booming market
  10. [Intellasia] China tennis star Peng says ex-vice premier forced her into sex

4위 Covid 0.36% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Biden's deadline for employer Covid-19 vaccine mandate
  2. [Google News] Healthwatch 16: COVID-19 and flu shots
  3. [Google News] 'I barely function some days': Covid 'long haulers' struggle to work amid labor shortage
  4. [Google News] Concerns Rise About “Fifth Wave” Of Covid In Los Angeles As Cases & Positivity Rate Continue To Increase
  5. [Google News] Utah reports 2267 new COVID cases, 14 deaths as hospital delays non-urgent procedures
  6. [NYT] N.Y.C. reaches an agreement with nine labor unions on Covid vaccine mandates.
  7. [Intellasia] China stockpiles food as energy crisis and Covid outbreak threaten Xi’s grip on power
  8. [Intellasia] More than 1 million people apply to enter Beijing’s Covid-free Olympic bubble
  9. [Intellasia] Half of Beijing’s flights are canceled as China’s capital city tightens Covid restrictions
  10. [Intellasia] Coronavirus: HK to start offering Covid-19 booster shots to the elderly, high-risk groups from November 11

5위 City 0.27% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] Leicester City 1-1 Spartak Moscow: Jamie Vardy has penalty saved in draw
  2. [Intellasia] Half of Beijing’s flights are canceled as China’s capital city tightens Covid restrictions
  3. [Intellasia] HCM City’s firms in need of capital injection soon
  4. [Google News] L.A. firefighters union pushes back against COVID vaccine mandate, asks city to renegotiate
  5. [Google News] Striking Alabama mine workers bring protest to New York City
  6. [Google News] Denim Boots! Superhero Sunglasses! See Kim Kardashian’s Wild Fashion From Her New York City Trip
  7. [Google News] West Hollywood City Council approves minimum wage hike to more than $17
  8. [Google News] ‘We’ll see’ ? Perez non-committal on whether he’d give up home win to Verstappen in Mexico City GP
  9. [Google News] 'Worn down by polarized politics': Longtime state Sen. Joe Bolkcom of Iowa City won't run again - Iowa City Press
  10. [Google News] Nancy Bechtle, SF philanthropist and pillar of the city's high society, dies at 83

6위 Life 0.26% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] ‘This One I’ll Remember The Rest Of My Life’: Twin Cities Officer Breaks Up Dueling Eagles
  2. [Google News] Increased sexual assaults lead to IU Greek life canceling parties, students say
  3. [Google News] Delays in visa and green card processing forces families to live life on hold
  4. [Google News] Domestic abuser faces life in prison for attempted murder of his wife
  5. [Google News] AOC: Many lawmakers 'have to imagine what normal life is like'
  6. [Google News] 'Stop, Look, and Listen: This is Life in Kansas' is a great book appreciating Kansas - K
  7. [Google News] 'I'll do anything': Security audio captures Summer Tatum begging for her life before 2 gunshots
  8. [Google News] Globe Life Inc. Declares Dividend And Announces Election Of Two New Board Members
  9. [Google News] Syracuse charged in fatal May accident that took the life of a 61-year-old Liverpool woman
  10. [Google News] IaaS Tech Company StrongNode.io powers up Original Gamer Life as its pioneer Innovation Lab project

7위 Biden 0.22% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Biden's deadline for employer Covid-19 vaccine mandate
  2. [Intellasia] Biden says there is ‘no need’ for ‘physical conflict’ with China despite rising tensions
  3. [StarTribune] AP FACT CHECK: Biden skews history in explaining Va. setback
  4. [Google News] Democratic leaders amp up pressure on holdouts of Biden agenda | TheHill
  5. [CNN] Biden's outgoing acting drug czar: 'We face a steep climb to build the addiction infrastructure our nation needs'
  6. [Google News] Biden congratulates NYC Mayor-elect Eric Adams, NJ Gov. Phil Murphy on victories
  7. [Google News] Several big business groups aren't happy with Biden's Covid vaccine mandate
  8. [CNN] White House says Biden is 'comfortable' settling with families separated during Trump administration, but not for $450K
  9. [ABC News] Senate Republicans target Biden vaccine mandate Fauci supports
  10. [Google News] White House walks back Biden comments on migrant families payments | TheHill

8위 Paris 0.22% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] La despreocupada respuesta de Icardi a Wanda Nara tras viaje de China Suarez a Paris
  2. [Google News] L'eclairage public de Paris attribue a EDF et Eiffage pour 704 millions d'euros
  3. [Google News] Les expositions de novembre 2021 a Paris et en Ile-de-France a voir sans attendre
  4. [Google News] Masters de Paris-Bercy. Alexander Zverev remporte le choc contre Grigor Dimitrov et file en quart - Ouest
  5. [Google News] Paris : 100 millions pour effacer la frontiere du peripherique porte de Montreuil
  6. [Google News] Djokovic avanza a cuartos en Paris tras retiro de Monfils
  7. [Google News] Liaison Paris-Roissy: l’Etat veut le CDG express en 2026, en depit des lourds travaux sur le RER B
  8. [Google News] Avant Bordeaux - PSG : pourquoi ce Paris-la est faillible
  9. [Google News] Stefanos Tsitsipas: ¿por que el n° 3 mundial se retiro del Masters 1000 de Paris?
  10. [Google News] Peche : des "ecarts importants" subsistent entre Londres et Paris, les sanctions s'eloignent temporairement

9위 NYC 0.22% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Jay Z, Zazie Beetz, Meek Mill & More Celebrate ‘The Harder They Fall’ Launch At Epic NYC Party
  2. [Google News] Biden congratulates NYC Mayor-elect Eric Adams, NJ Gov. Phil Murphy on victories
  3. [NBC News] NYC Mayor-elect to take first 3 paychecks in bitcoin
  4. [Google News] Cardi B Shares a Video Tour of Her New NYC Home While It Was Under Construction: 'It Looks Huge!'
  5. [Google News] SantaCons Drunken Holiday Cheer Will Return To NYC | Top Stories
  6. [NBC News] ?쁍ew dawn??for NYC taxi drivers after mayor agrees to debt relief
  7. [Google News] These NYC libraries are among the world's most Instagrammable
  8. [Google News] Tekashi69 kidnapper busted in NYC jail contraband scheme
  9. [Google News] Eligible NYC Kids Can Snag $100 Incentive For Getting COVID Vaccine At City-Run And School Sites
  10. [Google News] NYC Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Will Take His First Paychecks in Bitcoin

10위 Will 0.21% 관련 반응

  1. [Intellasia] The west has to work with China to ‘end coal’ purely hectoring will achieve little
  2. [Intellasia] Indonesia mobile crane market size will be valued at USD 315.1 million by 2027
  3. [Intellasia] 2022 budget will increase debt burden of future generations, says Mukhriz
  4. [Google News] To the left, to the left: Cowboys will move Terence Steele, La'el Collins to start at RT
  5. [Google News] Wacky as Facebook’s metaverse sounds, enterprises will have to deal with it
  6. [ABC News] NBA: Firm will probe Suns after report of racism, misogyny
  7. [Google News] What will Detroit Tigers get from Tucker Barnhart? Just ask Reds' Tyler Stephenson
  8. [Independent] Bank of England warns supply problems will slow UK economy as it holds interest rates at 0.1%
  9. [Google News] 49ers News: How much will George Kittle’s return help against the Cardinals?
  10. [Google News] SantaCons Drunken Holiday Cheer Will Return To NYC | Top Stories
#New #Cultura #China #Covid #City #Life #Biden #Paris #NYC #Will #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

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해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 12월 23일 09시 기준

1위 Biden 0.63% 관련 반응

  1. [Korea Herald] Biden says 'darkest times' in pandemic are ahead, not behind
  2. [Google News] In a shift, Twitter won’t transfer followers of official White House accounts when Biden takes office.
  3. [Google News] Biden says to stay home for his swearing-in as Trump supporters hold virtual ‘second inauguration’
  4. [Google News] Biden dice que los dias mas oscuros de la pandemia "estan por llegar" en EU | El Universal
  5. [Intellasia] Japan PM Suga aims to meet with Biden as soon as possible
  6. [CNN] Biden faces uncertain outlook for quick confirmation of Cabinet nominees as some Republicans urge caution
  7. [Sky News] On his watch 'while he wasn't watching'. Biden attacks Trump over US cyber attack
  8. [StarTribune] Biden: Trump 'failed' to shore up nation's cybersecurity
  9. [Google News] Biden diz que violacao de dados do governo representa 'grave risco' para os EUA e promete resposta
  10. [CNN] Biden team prepares to revamp the US refugee admissions program

2위 Christmas 0.6% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Red Flag Fire Conditions An Unwelcome Christmas Eve Present In LA
  2. [Google News] Offset and Cardi B have FIVE Christmas trees set up in their home
  3. [Intellasia] New Taipei City halts outdoor gatherings at Christmasland after local coronavirus case
  4. [Independent] Best Christmas films on Netflix: From The Princess Switch 2 to The Christmas Chronicles
  5. [Google News] Sarasota deputy returns with Christmas gifts after helping save infant's life
  6. [Google News] Meghan Markle's First-Ever Christmas Gift for Prince William Was Hilarious ? And He Loved It
  7. [Google News] Despite Covid, Brooklyn neighbourhood still a flashy Christmas village
  8. [Google News] Trumps accused of photoshop fail in annual Christmas card from the White House
  9. [Google News] Amanda Stone: Christmas traditions vary across world's cultures
  10. [Google News] A nutritionist tells us why you shouldn't diet over Christmas

3위 New 0.54% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] New drug combination improves blood glucose control and weight loss in mice - News
  2. [Google News] Higher consumption of meat linked with increased wheezing in children - News
  3. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: Dr. Anthony Fauci gets vaccinated; New York testing for UK virus strain; $600 stimulus checks to go out next week
  4. [Google News] Newsom to name Assemblywoman Shirley Weber to succeed Padilla as California secretary of state
  5. [Google News] Aliens at Proxima Centauri? A New Radio…
  6. [Google News] The Mandalorian Theory: Did R2-D2 Save Grogu From Order 66? (Nerdist News w/ Dan Casey)
  7. [Intellasia] China’s new Long March 8 rocket makes maiden flight
  8. [Intellasia] Wuhan’s vogue dancers embrace new freedom as COVID-19 anniversary nears
  9. [Intellasia] Taiwanese couple claim they caught new mutant coronavirus strain in UK
  10. [Intellasia] New Taipei City halts outdoor gatherings at Christmasland after local coronavirus case

4위 Covid 0.46% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Vanderlei Luxemburgo vence a la covid-19 por segunda vez y es dado de alta
  2. [Google News] Tapatios retan al Covid-19 en compras de panico en el Centro Historico de Guadalajara
  3. [Google News] Political polarisation impedes the public policy response to COVID-19 | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal
  4. [Google News] Covid: Will variant force Nightingale hospitals to open?
  5. [Google News] AMP2.- Cvirus.- Francia reanudara los viajes con Reino Unido este miercoles tras suspenderlos por nueva cepa de COVID-19
  6. [Google News] Presidente de Venezuela alerta sobre posible rebrote de Covid-19
  7. [Google News] Oak Ridge nurse credits hospital colleagues for saving her life from COVID-19
  8. [Google News] Man who fell ill on United flight from Florida died of Covid-19, coroner confirms
  9. [Google News] 'My Second Life': California Nurse Walks Out of Hospital After 8-Month COVID-19 Ordeal
  10. [The Guardian] Nicola Sturgeon apologises for Covid rule breach at funeral

5위 UK 0.4% 관련 반응

  1. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: Dr. Anthony Fauci gets vaccinated; New York testing for UK virus strain; $600 stimulus checks to go out next week
  2. [Intellasia] Taiwanese couple claim they caught new mutant coronavirus strain in UK
  3. [Intellasia] Taiwan not considering banning flights from UK: CECC
  4. [Intellasia] HK democracy activist Nathan Law seeking asylum in UK
  5. [Intellasia] Top HK activist seeks asylum in the UK
  6. [Intellasia] Toyota to halt work in UK and France over mutant virus discord
  7. [Intellasia] Vietnam’s wood exports grow in anticipation of UKVFTA
  8. [Intellasia] Singapore to bar UK travellers over new COVID-19 virus strain; tighter measures for those with travel history to New South Wales
  9. [Intellasia] Visitors with recent travel history to UK, New South Wales to be barred from entering Singapore
  10. [Independent] Ehic: Millions of UK residents will keep reciprocal health care after Brexit ??but only EU citizens

6위 City 0.4% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Arsenal vs. Man City recap: Gunners THRASHED! What next for Mikel Arteta? | ESPN FC
  2. [Google News] El City elimina al Arsenal en Copa de la Liga y acentua la presion sobre Arteta
  3. [Google News] Arsenal 1-4 Manchester City. Los de Guardiola golean a los de Arteta y van a semis | Carabao Cup
  4. [Intellasia] New Taipei City halts outdoor gatherings at Christmasland after local coronavirus case
  5. [Intellasia] Apple, Arm have secured 80pct of TSMC’s 5 nm capacity for 2021
  6. [Intellasia] HK fourth wave: top ministers to discuss mandatory testing, other Covid-19 strategies with Beijing health officials, as city confirms 63 new cases
  7. [Intellasia] HK fourth wave: police looking into where escaped Covid-19 patient went during 54 hours on the run, as city confirms 85 new Covid-19 cases
  8. [Intellasia] HK manhunt: citywide search on for five assailants after man killed in daytime attack with knives, axes
  9. [Google News] Arsenal 1 x 4 Manchester City - Copa da Liga Inglesa Quartas de final - Tempo Real
  10. [Google News] El Manchester City golea al Arsenal y se mete en semifinales de la Copa de la Liga

7위 Coronavirus 0.4% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Nuevo aumento en Mar del Plata de los casos de coronavirus: 210 contagios
  2. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: Dr. Anthony Fauci gets vaccinated; New York testing for UK virus strain; $600 stimulus checks to go out next week
  3. [Intellasia] Taiwanese couple claim they caught new mutant coronavirus strain in UK
  4. [Intellasia] CORONAVIRUS/Taiwan reports first domestic case of COVID-19 in 253 days
  5. [Intellasia] Taiwan reports first locally transmitted coronavirus case since April 12
  6. [Intellasia] New Taipei City halts outdoor gatherings at Christmasland after local coronavirus case
  7. [Intellasia] Fierce coronavirus wave tests Korea’s no-lockdown strategy
  8. [Intellasia] Japan PM Suga shies away from calling state of emergency as coronavirus cases rise
  9. [Intellasia] Thai PM blames migrant workers for market coronavirus outbreak
  10. [Intellasia] Malaysia hopeful for more UAE coronavirus cooperation after king’s Abu Dhabi visit

8위 Covid-19 0.4% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Vanderlei Luxemburgo vence a la covid-19 por segunda vez y es dado de alta
  2. [Google News] Tapatios retan al Covid-19 en compras de panico en el Centro Historico de Guadalajara
  3. [Google News] Political polarisation impedes the public policy response to COVID-19 | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal
  4. [Google News] AMP2.- Cvirus.- Francia reanudara los viajes con Reino Unido este miercoles tras suspenderlos por nueva cepa de COVID-19
  5. [Google News] Presidente de Venezuela alerta sobre posible rebrote de Covid-19
  6. [Google News] Oak Ridge nurse credits hospital colleagues for saving her life from COVID-19
  7. [Google News] Man who fell ill on United flight from Florida died of Covid-19, coroner confirms
  8. [Google News] 'My Second Life': California Nurse Walks Out of Hospital After 8-Month COVID-19 Ordeal
  9. [Intellasia] China’s Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine proves effective in Brazil trials WSJ
  10. [Intellasia] Wuhan’s vogue dancers embrace new freedom as COVID-19 anniversary nears

9위 Life 0.37% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Social notebook for Dec. 23 | Lifestyle | polkio.com
  2. [Google News] Oak Ridge nurse credits hospital colleagues for saving her life from COVID-19
  3. [Google News] 'My Second Life': California Nurse Walks Out of Hospital After 8-Month COVID-19 Ordeal
  4. [Google News] Race in LA: How Does Race Shape Your Life in LA ?
  5. [Google News] Blight, Flooding Compromise Quality of Life
  6. [Google News] Opinion | ‘It’s What Makes Life Worth Living’
  7. [Google News] Looking near and near for the best things in life
  8. [Google News] Promote a healthy lifestyle with exercise - WATN
  9. [Google News] Sarasota deputy returns with Christmas gifts after helping save infant's life
  10. [Google News] Randle, Ham & Jefferson Share Life Lessons with All-State Team

10위 COVID-19 0.33% 관련 반응

  1. [Google News] Vanderlei Luxemburgo vence a la covid-19 por segunda vez y es dado de alta
  2. [Google News] Tapatios retan al Covid-19 en compras de panico en el Centro Historico de Guadalajara
  3. [Google News] Political polarisation impedes the public policy response to COVID-19 | VOX, CEPR Policy Portal
  4. [Google News] AMP2.- Cvirus.- Francia reanudara los viajes con Reino Unido este miercoles tras suspenderlos por nueva cepa de COVID-19
  5. [Google News] Presidente de Venezuela alerta sobre posible rebrote de Covid-19
  6. [Google News] Oak Ridge nurse credits hospital colleagues for saving her life from COVID-19
  7. [Google News] Man who fell ill on United flight from Florida died of Covid-19, coroner confirms
  8. [Google News] 'My Second Life': California Nurse Walks Out of Hospital After 8-Month COVID-19 Ordeal
  9. [Intellasia] China’s Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine proves effective in Brazil trials WSJ
  10. [Intellasia] Wuhan’s vogue dancers embrace new freedom as COVID-19 anniversary nears
#Biden #Christmas #New #Covid #UK #City #Coronavirus #Covid-19 #Life #COVID-19 #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
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