"글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장: 새로운 기회와 도전의 연결고리"

글로벌 정책 변화가 주식 시장에 미치는 영향 분석

글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성 평가 글로벌 정책 변화가 주식 시장에 미치는 영향 분석 글로벌 정책 변화는 주식 시장에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 정책 변화는 경제적 상황과 금융 시장에 영향을 미치는데, 이는 주식 시장에도 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 이번 섹션에서는 글로벌 정책 변화가 주식 시장에 미치는 영향을 분석해보고자 합니다. 정책 변화는 종종 경제의 주요 지표와 관련이 있습니다. 예를 들어, 중앙은행의 금리 인상이나 감소, 정부의 재정 정책 변화 등은 주식 시장에 직접적인 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 이러한 정책 변화는 주식 시장의 흐름을 변화시킬 수 있으며, 투자자들은 이러한 변화를 예측하여 자신의 투자 전략을 조정해야 합니다. 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성을 평가하기 위해 다양한 요인을 고려해야 합니다. 첫째, 정책 변화의 규모와 방향이 중요합니다. 금리 인상이나 감소의 규모가 크다면 주식 시장에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 둘째, 정책 변화의 예측 가능성이 중요합니다. 예측 가능성이 높다면 투자자들은 미리 대비하여 투자 전략을 조정할 수 있습니다. 또한, 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성을 평가하기 위해 금융 시장의 반응을 고려해야 합니다. 정책 변화에 대한 시장의 반응은 주식 시장에 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 이를 통해 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성을 파악할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 금리 인상에 대한 시장의 반응이 주식 시장에 긍정적이라면, 금리 인상은 주식 시장에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 마지막으로, 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성을 평가하기 위해 다른 요인들과의 상관 관계를 고려해야 합니다. 예를 들어, 정책 변화와 경제 성장률, 인플레이션율, 실업률 등의 상관 관계를 분석하여 정책 변화가 주식 시장에 미치는 영향을 파악할 수 있습니다. 이번 섹션에서는 글로벌 정책 변화가 주식 시장에 미치는 영향을 분석하고자 합니다. 정책 변화의 규모와 방향, 예측 가능성, 금융 시장의 반응, 다른 요인들과의 상관 관계를 고려하여 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성을 평가해보겠습니다. 이를 통해 투자자들은 정책 변화에 대한 대비를 강화하고, 주식 시장에서의 투자 전략을 조정할 수 있을 것입니다.

글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 상관관계에 대한 최신 동향 소개

글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성 평가 최근 몇 년 동안, 글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 상관관계에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 정부의 정책 결정이 주식 시장에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보는 것은 투자자들에게 매우 중요한 정보이다. 이번 섹션에서는 글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성에 대한 최신 동향을 살펴보고자 한다. 정부의 정책 결정은 주식 시장에 직간접적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 예를 들어, 금리 인상이나 감소와 같은 통화 정책 변화는 주식 시장에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 금리 인상은 대출이 어려워지고 경기가 둔화될 수 있으므로 주식 시장에 부정적인 영향을 줄 수 있다. 반대로, 금리 감소는 경기를 활성화시키고 투자를 촉진할 수 있으므로 주식 시장에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있다. 또한, 정부의 재정 정책 변화도 주식 시장에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 예를 들어, 세금 인하나 지출 증가와 같은 재정 정책 변화는 기업의 이익에 직접적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 세금 인하는 기업의 이익을 증가시키고 투자를 촉진할 수 있으므로 주식 시장에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있다. 반대로, 지출 증가는 정부의 부채 증가와 인플레이션 우려를 야기할 수 있으므로 주식 시장에 부정적인 영향을 줄 수 있다. 글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성을 평가하기 위해 다양한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 이러한 연구들은 주식 시장의 변동성과 정부의 정책 결정 사이의 관계를 분석하고 있다. 예를 들어, 최근 연구에서는 미국의 연방준비제도(Fed)의 통화 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 상관관계를 조사하였다. 이 연구에서는 금리 인상과 주식 시장의 하락 사이에 강한 음의 상관관계를 발견하였다. 또한, 글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성을 평가하기 위해 다양한 지표들이 사용되고 있다. 예를 들어, 금리 변화와 주식 시장의 상관관계를 분석하기 위해 금리 스프레드 지표가 사용되고 있다. 금리 스프레드는 장단기 금리의 차이를 나타내는 지표로, 경기 전망과 주식 시장의 상관관계를 파악하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 이러한 연구와 지표들을 통해 글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성을 평가하는 데 도움을 얻을 수 있다. 이는 투자자들에게 정부의 정책 결정에 대한 이해와 주식 시장의 변동성을 예측하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 따라서, 글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성에 대한 연구는 투자자들에게 매우 중요한 정보를 제공할 수 있다.

글로벌 정책 변화에 따른 주식 시장의 전망 및 전략 제시

글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성 평가 글로벌 정책 변화에 따른 주식 시장의 전망 및 전략 제시 최근 몇 년 동안, 글로벌 정책 변화는 주식 시장에 큰 영향을 미치고 있다. 정부의 정책 결정은 경제 활동과 금융 시장에 직접적인 영향을 미치며, 이는 주식 시장에도 영향을 미친다. 따라서, 주식 시장 참여자들은 글로벌 정책 변화를 주시하고, 이를 고려하여 투자 전략을 수립해야 한다. 글로벌 정책 변화는 주식 시장에 영향을 미치는 다양한 요인을 포함한다. 예를 들어, 중앙 은행의 금리 인상이나 감소, 정부의 재정 정책 변화, 무역 정책의 변화 등이 있다. 이러한 정책 변화는 기업의 이익과 성장 전망에 직접적인 영향을 미칠 수 있으며, 이는 주식 시장에도 영향을 미친다. 주식 시장 참여자들은 글로벌 정책 변화에 대한 전망을 평가하고, 이를 기반으로 투자 전략을 수립해야 한다. 예를 들어, 중앙 은행의 금리 인상이 예상되면, 이는 주식 시장에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 이는 기업의 대출 조건이 악화되고, 소비자들의 소비가 감소할 수 있기 때문이다. 따라서, 주식 시장 참여자들은 이러한 정책 변화에 대한 전망을 고려하여, 안정적인 성장을 보이는 기업들에 투자하는 전략을 수립할 수 있다. 또한, 글로벌 정책 변화는 주식 시장에 미치는 영향이 시기에 따라 다를 수 있다. 예를 들어, 정부의 재정 정책 변화는 주식 시장에 직접적인 영향을 미칠 수 있지만, 이 영향은 시간이 지남에 따라 변할 수 있다. 따라서, 주식 시장 참여자들은 정책 변화의 영향이 일시적인지, 장기적인지를 평가하고, 이를 기반으로 투자 전략을 조정해야 한다. 마지막으로, 글로벌 정책 변화에 대한 주식 시장의 반응은 예측하기 어려울 수 있다. 정책 변화는 예상치 못한 결과를 초래할 수 있으며, 이는 주식 시장에 불확실성을 초래할 수 있다. 따라서, 주식 시장 참여자들은 이러한 불확실성을 고려하여, 리스크 관리 전략을 수립해야 한다. 글로벌 정책 변화와 주식 시장의 연관성은 매우 복잡하고 다양한 요인에 의해 결정된다. 주식 시장 참여자들은 이러한 연관성을 평가하고, 이를 기반으로 투자 전략을 수립해야 한다. 따라서, 주식 시장 참여자들은 글로벌 정책 변화에 대한 최신 정보를 수집하고, 이를 분석하여 투자 결정을 내리는 것이 중요하다.

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 04월 10일 10시 기준

1위 Coronavirus 4.26% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Pandemic hits sick children hospital trips - leaked email
  2. [CBS News] Coronavirus pandemic brings out unity and gratitude among communities
  3. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Astronauts arrive at ISS after long quarantine
  4. [The Guardian] Coronavirus live news: global deaths near 95,000 as Boris Johnson leaves intensive care
  5. [StarTribune] Coronavirus has done a number on Minnesota's active running community
  6. [Reutors] Mexico registers 3,441 cases of coronavirus and 194 deaths
  7. [Reutors] Harvey Weinstein free of coronavirus symptoms - spokesman
  8. [BBC News] Clothing makers in Asia give stark coronavirus warning
  9. [CNN] Trump says more than 2 million coronavirus tests have been done in the US, and claims mass testing not needed
  10. [Reutors] Three U.S. local governments to adopt coronavirus contact tracing app: MIT

2위 U.S. 3.93% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Three U.S. local governments to adopt coronavirus contact tracing app: MIT
  2. [Reutors] Three U.S. local govts to adopt coronavirus contact tracing app - MIT
  3. [Reutors] U.S. coronavirus deaths top 16,000 - Reuters tally
  4. [CBS News] U.S. travel industry hampered by historic financial downturn
  5. [CBS News] Trump forming new task force focused on reopening U.S. economy
  6. [Reutors] Saudi, Russia agree record oil cut under U.S. pressure as demand crashes
  7. [Reutors] Taco Bell mandates employee temperature checks, contactless payments at U.S. outlets
  8. [Reutors] Threat from Iran to U.S. forces in Iraq remains 'significant': senior U.S. diplomat
  9. [Reutors] Threat from Iran to U.S. forces in Iraq remains 'significant' - senior U.S. diplomat
  10. [Reutors] Mnuchin, Kudlow say U.S. economy could open in May, defying experts

3위 Trump 2.3% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] Trump says more than 2 million coronavirus tests have been done in the US, and claims mass testing not needed
  2. [USA Today] How much will they get? President Trump says airline bailout details under discussion
  3. [Reutors] Trump says he had good call with Russia's Putin, Saudi king on oil
  4. [Reutors] Trump says airlines could receive grant details this weekend; sources say around 275 applied
  5. [CBS News] Trump forming new task force focused on reopening U.S. economy
  6. [Reutors] Trump says administration likely to release details on airline aid this weekend
  7. [CNN] The Point: Here's the silver lining in the CNN poll for Donald Trump
  8. [Reutors] Trump says had good call with Russia's Putin, Saudi king on oil
  9. [Reutors] UPDATE 2-U.S. Treasury chief to brief Trump on aviation aid review
  10. [Reutors] Trump administration official says U.S. welcomes reports of OPEC+ oil cut deal

4위 UK 1.15% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] Lifting the lockdown: what are the UK's options?
  2. [The Guardian] UK universities plead for billions of pounds in support
  3. [The Guardian] Thousands across UK applaud NHS workers on third week of #clapforcarers ? video
  4. [CBS News] UK's Boris Johnson out of intensive care due to coronavirus symptoms
  5. [Reutors] UK joins U.S., U.N. in supporting Saudi-led ceasefire in Yemen amid virus outbreak
  6. [Reutors] UK urges citizens to stay at home over Easter, police ready to get tough
  7. [BBC News] Coronavirus: UK claps for its carers
  8. [Reutors] UK foreign minister leads nationwide applause for health workers
  9. [The Guardian] Covid-19: Hundreds of UK care home deaths not added to official toll

5위 April 1.15% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Volkswagen furloughs 1,500 workers at Tennessee auto plant starting April 11
  2. [BBC News] Africa's week in pictures: 3-9 April 2020
  3. [CBS News] "CBS Evening News" headlines for Thursday, April 9, 2020
  4. [USA Today] AP Top Stories April 9 P
  5. [Reutors] Chesapeake Energy plans April 13 shareholder meeting for reverse stock split vote
  6. [USA Today] Michigan extends stay-at-home order through April
  7. [Reutors] Michigan governor extends state shutdown through April

6위 Easter 0.98% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Wilko staff call for 'gratitude' after Easter egg offer
  2. [BBC News] Canterbury and York to broadcast Easter services online
  3. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Police launch Easter crackdown on travelling
  4. [Reutors] Irish priest spreads coronavirus Easter cheer from vintage 'popemobile'
  5. [Sky News] Easter publicity blitz urges Britons to stay at home
  6. [Reutors] UK urges citizens to stay at home over Easter, police ready to get tough

7위 Biden 0.98% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Biden aims to connect with voters one Zoom call at a time
  2. [Reutors] Biden courts Sanders voters with student loan, healthcare policies
  3. [Independent] Joe Biden rolls out Medicare and college debt plans after Bernie Sanders suspends campaign
  4. [StarTribune] Biden joins growing call for release of racial data on virus
  5. [NBC News] In nod to Sanders, Biden looks to adopt more progressive policies
  6. [CBS News] Biden adopts parts of Sanders' policies on health care and student debt

8위 UFC 0.98% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Mixed martial arts-UFC 249 cancelled after pressure from Disney, says UFC president
  2. [Reutors] Mixed martial arts: UFC 249 canceled after pressure from Disney, says UFC president
  3. [The Guardian] UFC 249 canceled after ESPN and parent company Disney intervene
  4. [USA Today] UFC 249 canceled; other events postponed by pandemic
  5. [ABC News] UFC 249 canceled after ESPN, Disney halt promotion's plans

9위 Fed 0.98% 관련 반응

  1. [CBS News] Some abortion in Texas can continue, federal judge rules
  2. [ABC News] Fed unveils details of $600B Main Street lending program for businesses
  3. [CBS News] Stocks see best week in 45 years after latest Fed rescue
  4. [Reutors] UPDATE 2-Fed's balance sheet swells to record $6.13 trillion
  5. [Reutors] Global stock markets jump on Fed stimulus, oil pulls back from earlier surge
  6. [Reutors] GLOBAL MARKETS-Global stock markets jump on Fed stimulus, oil pulls back from earlier surge
  7. [Reutors] US STOCKS-Wall Street rises on latest Fed rescue program
  8. [USA Today] Stocks rise as Federal Reserve provides $2.3 trillion to support economy, capping best week since 1974
  9. [Reutors] UPDATE 3-Junk bond prices rally after Fed offers lifeline to riskier credits
  10. [ABC News] S&P 500 closes out its best week since 1974 after Federal Reserve takes more aggressive action to support the economy

10위 Disney 0.98% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Mixed martial arts-UFC 249 cancelled after pressure from Disney, says UFC president
  2. [Reutors] Mixed martial arts: UFC 249 canceled after pressure from Disney, says UFC president
  3. [The Guardian] UFC 249 canceled after ESPN and parent company Disney intervene
  4. [NYT] Dana White Says U.F.C. 249 Canceled After Request From ESPN and Disney
  5. [ABC News] UFC 249 canceled after ESPN, Disney halt promotion's plans
  6. [StarTribune] Disney, Six Flags and Big Lots rise; Costco falls
#Coronavirus #U.S. #Trump #UK #April #Easter #Biden #UFC #Fed #Disney #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 03월 24일 10시 기준

1위 Coronavirus 4.09% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] South African President announces three-week lockdown over coronavirus
  2. [CNN] Rhode Island postpones primaries and Alaska Democrats cancel in-person voting due to coronavirus
  3. [StarTribune] Minnesota factories still churning out goods despite coronavirus
  4. [CNN] US coronavirus death toll grew by more than 100 on Monday as governors instituted even more rules
  5. [BBC News] Coronavirus: All non-essential shops to close immediately
  6. [Reutors] U.S. clinical trials of possible coronavirus treatments to start in NY on Tuesday - Trump
  7. [The Telegraph] Can I walk my dog? The Government's coronavirus advice, explained
  8. [Reutors] Instructor Cowen believes he has coronavirus
  9. [Reutors] RPT-Australia's pensions industry in urgent talks on coronavirus crisis changes
  10. [Reutors] Despite coronavirus spread, Trump considers reopening U.S. economy

2위 U.S. 3.61% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] U.S. clinical trials of possible coronavirus treatments to start in NY on Tuesday - Trump
  2. [Reutors] U.S. federation names sports executive William Wilson as CEO
  3. [Reutors] Despite coronavirus spread, Trump considers reopening U.S. economy
  4. [Reutors] Tipping goes virtual as coronavirus decimates U.S. restaurant jobs
  5. [Reutors] Mexican referendum rejects U.S. Modelo brewer in new investment blow
  6. [Reutors] U.S. screenwriter donates supplies from Netflix series to help fight virus
  7. [Reutors] Manulife CEO sees opportunity to acquire good U.S. company debt
  8. [Reutors] Factbox: What's in the nearly $2 trillion U.S. Senate coronavirus stimulus
  9. [StarTribune] Testing blunders crippled U.S. response as coronavirus spread
  10. [Reutors] What's in the nearly $2 trillion U.S. Senate coronavirus stimulus

3위 Trump 2.17% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Trump, Walz, other leaders face fundamental choices between health and wealth
  2. [Reutors] Trump: Asian-Americans not responsible for virus, need protection
  3. [Reutors] U.S. clinical trials of possible coronavirus treatments to start in NY on Tuesday - Trump
  4. [CBS News] Trump signals eagerness to reboot economy soon
  5. [Reutors] Despite coronavirus spread, Trump considers reopening U.S. economy
  6. [BBC News] Trump says coronavirus not Asian Americans' fault
  7. [USA Today] Trump says he's weighing new coronavirus protocols to let local economies 'cautiously resume' - updates
  8. [Independent] Coronavirus: Ted Cruz calls for Trump to invoke Defense Production Act
  9. [CNN] The Point: The scariest thing Anthony Fauci said about Trump
  10. [Reutors] Trump says won't allow long-lasting damage to economy from virus

4위 Johnson 1.93% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] Boris Johnson issues stay-at-home order for UK
  2. [StarTribune] 'Stay at home': UK's Johnson ramps up response to virus
  3. [Reutors] PM Johnson orders Britons: you must stay at home
  4. [The Guardian] How coronavirus advice from Boris Johnson has changed
  5. [The Guardian] Boris Johnson unveils the lockdown that isn't quite a lockdown | John Crace
  6. [BBC News] Coronavirus: 'You must stay at home', Boris Johnson orders
  7. [The Guardian] Boris Johnson orders UK lockdown to be enforced by police
  8. [Reutors] Johnson says will stop large gatherings and weddings
  9. [The Telegraph] Boris Johnson announces UK lockdown: watch his speech in full
  10. [Reutors] Johnson announces major curbs on way of life to tackle virus

5위 UK 1.68% 관련 반응

  1. [Independent] Coronavirus: The official UK government advice
  2. [The Guardian] Do you have a question about the UK lockdown?
  3. [CNN] Boris Johnson issues stay-at-home order for UK
  4. [StarTribune] 'Stay at home': UK's Johnson ramps up response to virus
  5. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Strict new curbs on life in UK announced by PM
  6. [The Guardian] Boris Johnson orders UK lockdown to be enforced by police
  7. [The Telegraph] Boris Johnson announces UK lockdown: watch his speech in full
  8. [Independent] Coronavirus: UK bans gatherings of more than two people, Boris Johnson announces
  9. [Reutors] UPDATE 4-UK PM Johnson orders Britons: you must stay at home
  10. [Reutors] UK PM Johnson orders Britons: you must stay at home

6위 Fed 1.32% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] U.S. federation names sports executive William Wilson as CEO
  2. [Reutors] With latest moves, Fed becomes creditor in chief for U.S. business
  3. [Reutors] Explainer: How the Fed's latest move will get money to Main Street
  4. [Reutors] Soccer: U.S. federation names sports executive William Wilson as CEO
  5. [Reutors] EXPLAINER-How the Fed's latest move will get money to Main Street
  6. [Reutors] Historic Fed boost fails to stop Wall Street's coronavirus-driven sell-off
  7. [Reutors] U.S. junk bonds fall despite unprecedented Fed stimulus
  8. [Reutors] UPDATE 3-U.S. junk bonds fall despite unprecedented Fed stimulus
  9. [Reutors] Market panic lingers despite unprecedented Fed support
  10. [Reutors] GLOBAL MARKETS-Market panic lingers despite unprecedented Fed support

7위 Tokyo 1.2% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] USA Gymnastics says its athletes want Tokyo Olympics postponed
  2. [Reutors] Japan in talks with IOC to postpone Tokyo Olympics by one year - Sankei
  3. [USA Today] USA Gymnastics joins swimming, track and field in asking that Tokyo Games be postponed
  4. [Reutors] Tokyo 2020 Games will be postponed, says IOC member Dick Pound
  5. [USA Today] IOC member says 2020 Tokyo Olympics will be postponed because of coronavirus pandemic
  6. [Reutors] Factbox: Reaction to Canada and Australia's withdrawal from 2020 Tokyo Games
  7. [USA Today] Opinion: As much as it hurts, postponing Tokyo Olympics is what's needed
  8. [USA Today] Coronavirus has squashed your Tokyo Olympics travel plans. What now?
  9. [BBC News] Tokyo 2020: Why is Olympic decision taking so long?

8위 Boris 1.2% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] Boris Johnson issues stay-at-home order for UK
  2. [The Guardian] How coronavirus advice from Boris Johnson has changed
  3. [The Guardian] Boris Johnson unveils the lockdown that isn't quite a lockdown | John Crace
  4. [BBC News] Coronavirus: 'You must stay at home', Boris Johnson orders
  5. [The Guardian] Boris Johnson orders UK lockdown to be enforced by police
  6. [The Telegraph] Boris Johnson announces UK lockdown: watch his speech in full
  7. [Independent] Coronavirus: UK bans gatherings of more than two people, Boris Johnson announces
  8. [Independent] Coronavirus: Boris Johnson imposes nationwide lockdown
  9. [The Guardian] Boris Johnson's address to the nation in full
  10. [ABC News] British Prime Minster Boris Johnson orders closure of most stores, bans gatherings for three weeks to stop coronavirus.

9위 New 1.2% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] Florida governor wants to mandate self-isolation for travelers from New York and New Jersey
  2. [CBS News] New York City converting Javits Center into emergency field hospital
  3. [USA Today] Trump says he's weighing new coronavirus protocols to let local economies 'cautiously resume' - updates
  4. [CBS News] "CBS Evening News" headlines for Monday, March 23, 2020
  5. [Reutors] 'Help us fight this': New Zealand PM Ardern appeals ahead of coronavirus lockdown
  6. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Nicola Sturgeon says new rules amount to 'lockdown'
  7. [Reutors] Mexican referendum rejects U.S. Modelo brewer in new investment blow
  8. [Reutors] "Help us fight this": New Zealand PM Ardern appeals ahead of coronavirus lockdown
  9. [Reutors] New Jersey to release some county jail inmates until coronavirus outbreak eases
  10. [Reutors] New Mexico governor issues statewide stay-at-home order

10위 Olympics 1.08% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] USA Gymnastics says its athletes want Tokyo Olympics postponed
  2. [Reutors] Japan in talks with IOC to postpone Tokyo Olympics by one year - Sankei
  3. [USA Today] Coronavirus live updates: Britain on lockdown; Olympics may be postponed; stimulus stalls; 'pandemic is accelerating'
  4. [Reutors] Interview: Olympics- Translating IOC-speak means Games moving to 2021, says Pound
  5. [StarTribune] Virtual happy hour: Overrated Trae Waynes, Olympics and what to watch
  6. [Independent] World Athletics willing to move 2021 championships to accommodate postponing Olympics
  7. [USA Today] IOC member says 2020 Tokyo Olympics will be postponed because of coronavirus pandemic
  8. [USA Today] Opinion: As much as it hurts, postponing Tokyo Olympics is what's needed
  9. [Reutors] Iran calls for 2020 Olympics to be postponed amid coronavirus - IRNA
  10. [USA Today] Coronavirus has squashed your Tokyo Olympics travel plans. What now?
#Coronavirus #U.S. #Trump #Johnson #UK #Fed #Tokyo #Boris #New #Olympics #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 03월 18일 09시 기준

1위 Coronavirus 3.75% 관련 반응

  1. [ABC News] Coronavirus live updates: US death toll surpasses 100; Kevin Durant tests positive
  2. [NBC News] Here are some of the existing drugs that may be repurposed to treat coronavirus
  3. [The Guardian] Father with motor neurone disease dies from coronavirus in UK
  4. [CNN] Mnuchin warns senators that US could see 20% unemployment rate due to coronavirus, source says
  5. [ABC News] New normal: MLB adjusts to coronavirus uncertainty
  6. [USA Today] Coronavirus: Southwest Airlines ending drink service on flights during COVID-19 outbreak
  7. [Independent] Coronavirus: What does 'shelter-in-place' mean?
  8. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-Coronavirus pandemic hands Big Tech a chance to burnish its image
  9. [USA Today] Coronavirus quarantine recipes: It's time we get back in the kitchen
  10. [CBS News] Coronavirus overloads hospitals as nurses remain furloughed

2위 U.S. 3.26% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] UPDATE 5-China expels American journalists as spat with U.S. escalates
  2. [NBC News] U.S. women's tackle football team stuck in Honduras amid coronavirus lockdown
  3. [Reutors] Trump 'going big' with $1 trillion stimulus as U.S. coronavirus deaths top 100
  4. [Reutors] Fed moves to backstop funding for U.S. companies as coronavirus fallout spreads
  5. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: U.S. deaths soar past 100; Kevin Durant tests positive; Americans may get $1,000
  6. [Reutors] WRAPUP 3-Fed moves to backstop funding for U.S. companies as coronavirus fallout spreads
  7. [Reutors] UPDATE 3-U.S. hotel, travel industry ask for bailout as job cuts begin
  8. [Reutors] U.S. Treasury approves revival of Fed primary dealer backstop
  9. [Reutors] Democrats agree on 'big immediate action' to back U.S. airline industry
  10. [Reutors] China expels American journalists as spat with U.S. escalates

3위 New 1.88% 관련 반응

  1. [BBC News] New plan for NI Troubles cases to 'limit' investigations
  2. [CBS News] "CBS Evening News" headlines for Tuesday, March 17, 2020
  3. [BBC News] New York: The city that never sleeps on lockdown
  4. [CBS News] Mayor says New Yorkers should prepare to shelter in place
  5. [ABC News] Fox News opinion stars adjust their tone on virus
  6. [ABC News] New normal: MLB adjusts to coronavirus uncertainty
  7. [USA Today] Opinion: Four reasons New England Patriots dynasty has died with Tom Brady's departure and won't be resurrected soon
  8. [Independent] Tom Brady expected to join Buccaneers after leaving New England Patriots, report says
  9. [Reutors] New Yorkers may be ordered to stay home as medical supplies run short
  10. [CNN] What drove Trump's newfound somber tone on coronavirus

4위 Trump 1.18% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Trump mulls sending all who cross border illegally to Mexico
  2. [CNN] Trump's Office of Personnel Management head quits unexpectedly
  3. [CBS News] Trump administration proposes trillion dollar stimulus package to rescue American economy
  4. [Reutors] Trump 'going big' with $1 trillion stimulus as U.S. coronavirus deaths top 100
  5. [CNN] What drove Trump's newfound somber tone on coronavirus
  6. [Independent] Coronavirus: Ivanka Trump criticised for childcare advice during social distancing
  7. [CNN] The Point: Donald Trump would like everyone to say 'thank you' for his coronavirus actions
  8. [ABC News] Trump now calling coronavirus fight a 'war' with an 'invisible enemy'
  9. [ABC News] Trump pushes for massive aid from Congress, checks to public
  10. [NBC News] Timeline: Trump administration's response to coronavirus

5위 Fed 1.18% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Federal judge hands Twin Metals major win in fight over mining near Boundary Waters
  2. [Reutors] Fed officials flag possible further steps in Fed crisis response
  3. [Reutors] Fed moves to backstop funding for U.S. companies as coronavirus fallout spreads
  4. [Reutors] WRAPUP 3-Fed moves to backstop funding for U.S. companies as coronavirus fallout spreads
  5. [Reutors] Wall Street jumps after Monday's historic sell-off as Fed boosts liquidity to fight coronavirus effect
  6. [Reutors] U.S. Treasury approves revival of Fed primary dealer backstop
  7. [CNN] From truckers to testing labs: How the federal government is cutting red tape in response to coronavirus
  8. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-Investors worry Fed's commercial paper facility will not be enough
  9. [Reutors] Fed extends loan offer to primary dealers in further credit easing
  10. [Reutors] US STOCKS-Wall St jumps after Monday's historic sell-off as Fed boosts liquidity to fight coronavirus effect

6위 Tom 1.09% 관련 반응

  1. [ABC News] Tom Hanks says he has the 'blahs' but no fever in isolation
  2. [USA Today] Opinion: Four reasons New England Patriots dynasty has died with Tom Brady's departure and won't be resurrected soon
  3. [USA Today] Tom Brady agrees to sign with Tampa Bay Buccaneers in landmark NFL free agency move, per reports
  4. [Independent] Tom Brady expected to join Buccaneers after leaving New England Patriots, report says
  5. [The Guardian] Tom Brady set to sign for Tampa Bay Buccaneers after leaving Patriots
  6. [USA Today] Tom Hanks released from hospital with Rita Wilson, says his symptoms are 'much the same'
  7. [NBC News] Tom Brady is leaving the Patriots, allowing us to bask in his mortality
  8. [Independent] Democratic primaries: DNC chair Tom Perez attacked for 'exposing people to coronavirus'
  9. [USA Today] 'So damn frustrating': Padres' Tommy Pham raises players' concerns as coronavirus shuts down MLB
  10. [CNN] Tom Brady says goodbye to New England Patriots

7위 US 1.09% 관련 반응

  1. [NBC News] Foul play suspected by family in disappearance of Pennsylvania fisherman
  2. [ABC News] Coronavirus live updates: US death toll surpasses 100; Kevin Durant tests positive
  3. [ABC News] California governor says few if any schools likely to reopen this school year due to virus
  4. [StarTribune] Low prices, virus cited in calls to delay US oil lease sale
  5. [BBC News] The gin maker using his alcohol for hand sanitiser
  6. [The Guardian] Welsh government plans to ban single-use plastics from next year
  7. [The Guardian] Talking Horses: Racing industry left to contemplate cost of suspension
  8. [NBC News] Here are some of the existing drugs that may be repurposed to treat coronavirus
  9. [The Guardian] Father with motor neurone disease dies from coronavirus in UK
  10. [Reutors] Jamaica Olympic boss says athletes' health must be top concern

8위 UK 1.09% 관련 반응

  1. [The Guardian] Bill sets five-year limit to sue UK military veterans who served abroad
  2. [The Guardian] Father with motor neurone disease dies from coronavirus in UK
  3. [Reutors] UPDATE 8-UK unveils $420 billion lifeline for firms hit by coronavirus
  4. [Reutors] UK to delay crown court trials because of coronavirus
  5. [Sky News] 'Heartbroken': Family's tribute to UK's youngest coronavirus victim
  6. [Reutors] UK coronavirus deaths rise to 71
  7. [The Guardian] 'Whatever it takes': chancellor announces £350bn aid for UK businesses
  8. [Reutors] UK to buy short-term debt from big companies hit by coronavirus
  9. [Reutors] UPDATE 7-UK unveils $420 billion lifeline for firms hit by coronavirus
  10. [The Guardian] Retired and student medics may be called in to tackle Covid-19 in UK

9위 Americans 0.99% 관련 반응

  1. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: U.S. deaths soar past 100; Kevin Durant tests positive; Americans may get $1,000
  2. [CBS News] Surgeon General urges Americans to follow CDC guidelines
  3. [CNN] 'We're stuck.' Americans stranded in Peru seek help after country shuts borders
  4. [USA Today] Coronavirus updates: Americans might get $1,000; death toll reaches 97; NYC weighs shelter in place
  5. [Reutors] Half of all Americans support aggressive steps to slow coronavirus in the U.S.: Reuters poll
  6. [Independent] Coronavirus: Plan to get Americans longer paid sick leave blocked - here's why
  7. [USA Today] Will legal marijuana stores close? Americans stock up on pot for coronavirus quarantine
  8. [USA Today] Mnuchin touts aid to quickly get Americans money
  9. [NBC News] White House eyes giving Americans checks to combat economic impact of outbreak
  10. [USA Today] Mnuchin says proposal would inject 'a trillion dollars into the economy,' includes giving checks to Americans

10위 Florida 0.89% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Front-runner Biden opens big lead on Sanders in Florida
  2. [Independent] Coronavirus: Florida and South Carolina latest US states to close bars and restaurants amid global pandemic
  3. [USA Today] Tuesday Democratic primary elections: Get live results from Arizona, Florida, Illinois
  4. [The Guardian] Joe Biden wins Florida primary as he edges towards nomination ? live
  5. [NBC News] Florida governor refuses to shut down beaches amid spread of coronavirus
  6. [CNN] Joe Biden wins Florida as he looks to stretch his delegate lead over Bernie Sanders
  7. [StarTribune] AP VoteCast: A look at voters in Florida and Illinois
  8. [USA Today] Virus dampens St. Patrick's Day revelry in Florida
  9. [Independent] Democratic primary: Joe Biden projected to secure landslide win in Florida
#Coronavirus #U.S. #New #Trump #Fed #Tom #US #UK #Americans #Florida #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2020년 03월 16일 10시 기준

1위 Coronavirus 5.74% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Government official: Coronavirus vaccine trial starts Monday
  2. [CNN] Biden says Americans are looking for 'results, not a revolution' during coronavirus crisis
  3. [CNN] Fact check: Trump falsely claims US has 'tremendous control' of the coronavirus
  4. [CBS News] Italy has the highest number of coronavirus cases in the world outside of China
  5. [CBS News] President Trump tests negative for the coronavirus and is symptom free
  6. [CBS News] Ski industry is the latest business to suffer from the coronavirus outbreak
  7. [BBC News] Coronavirus: Downing Street to give daily update on fight against outbreak
  8. [CBS News] Hoboken issues strict coronavirus regulations on hospitality businesses and curfew on residents
  9. [Independent] Coronavirus: Boris Johnson to hold daily press conferences on outbreak after accusations government is 'complacent and behind'
  10. [The Guardian] Super League shutdown looms after Toronto coronavirus fears

2위 Trump 2.65% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] White House acts to protect Trump during virus outbreak
  2. [CNN] Fact check: Trump falsely claims US has 'tremendous control' of the coronavirus
  3. [CBS News] President Trump tests negative for the coronavirus and is symptom free
  4. [CNN] Trump administration weighing more steps to produce more distancing for Americans
  5. [CNN] Trump congratulates Federal Reserve for slashing interest rates: 'It makes me very happy'
  6. [BBC News] Trump wins record sixth ranking title of season
  7. [Independent] Coronavirus: New York mayor tells diplomats everyone has been exposed, as governor calls for Trump to deploy army
  8. [StarTribune] Trump considering `full' pardon for ex-adviser Michael Flynn
  9. [CNN] Melania Trump remains largely out of sight as country faces coronavirus crisis
  10. [The Guardian] Morning mail: coronavirus deaths spike in Europe, Trump criticism, Truganini's true story

3위 Fed 1.99% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Fed takes emergency steps to slash rates and ease bank rules
  2. [USA Today] Stocks poised for plunge Monday as Dow futures drop 1,000 points despite Fed rate cut to zero
  3. [CNN] Trump congratulates Federal Reserve for slashing interest rates: 'It makes me very happy'
  4. [ABC News] US stock futures fall more than 4% after Fed slashes rates to counter economic impact of virus outbreak; Gold rises 3.5%
  5. [Reutors] Fed slashes rates in emergency coronavirus move; U.S. death toll hits 62
  6. [StarTribune] Fed statement Sunday announcing emergency action for economy
  7. [The Guardian] Federal Reserve cuts interest rates to near zero in attempt to prop up US economy
  8. [Reutors] Fed slashes rates, rips open crisis tool kit to cushion coronavirus blow
  9. [Reutors] New York Fed full statement: Treasuries, mortgage-backed securities
  10. [Reutors] Federal Reserve statement - lowering federal funds rate to 0 to .25%

4위 U.S. 1.99% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Fed slashes rates in emergency coronavirus move; U.S. death toll hits 62
  2. [Reutors] Long lines at major U.S. airports 'unacceptable,' U.S. fixing problem - official
  3. [Reutors] Nike, Under Armour to close all U.S. stores due to coronavirus
  4. [Reutors] Goldman downgrades U.S. growth forecast for first and second quarter due to coronavirus
  5. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-Goldman cuts U.S. growth forecast for Q1, Q2 due to coronavirus
  6. [Reutors] U.S. asks travelers for patience amid chaos, long lines at airports
  7. [Reutors] UPDATE 3-U.S. asks travelers for patience amid chaos, long lines at airports
  8. [Reutors] Goldman downgrades U.S. growth forecast for Q1, Q2 due to coronavirus

5위 New 1.77% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Stock futures sink after rate cut, new virus restrictions
  2. [StarTribune] Vikings representatives weighed pros, cons of voting for players' new labor agreement with NFL
  3. [StarTribune] New York City schools to close Monday to fight coronavirus
  4. [Independent] Coronavirus: Ohio closes restaurants and bars as New York official calls for similar shutdown
  5. [Independent] Coronavirus: New York closes all schools leaving 1.1m children at home
  6. [Reutors] Factbox: Player reaction to approval of new NFL labor agreement
  7. [ABC News] Governor: New York City to close schools to fight the coronavirus, shutting the nation's largest public school system
  8. [Reutors] New York Fed full statement: Treasuries, mortgage-backed securities
  9. [Independent] Coronavirus: New York mayor tells diplomats everyone has been exposed, as governor calls for Trump to deploy army
  10. [StarTribune] 5 new COVID-19 cases in Fond du Lac County raise total to 33

6위 Biden 1.55% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] The Latest: Sanders, Biden debate Social Security backing
  2. [CNN] Biden says Americans are looking for 'results, not a revolution' during coronavirus crisis
  3. [StarTribune] AP FACT CHECK: Examining claims from Biden, Sanders debate
  4. [CNN] Fact-checking the Sanders v. Biden Democratic debate
  5. [USA Today] Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden face off in Democratic debate lacking a live audience - updates
  6. [CNN] Biden backs free public university tuition in olive branch to progressives
  7. [Reutors] Biden and Sanders set to debate during coronavirus crisis

7위 Americans 1.55% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] Biden says Americans are looking for 'results, not a revolution' during coronavirus crisis
  2. [CNN] Trump administration weighing more steps to produce more distancing for Americans
  3. [Reutors] Pence: Americans will have access to more than 2,000 labs for coronavirus testing
  4. [Reutors] Americans will have access to more than 2,000 labs for coronavirus testing, Pence says
  5. [USA Today] 'We're not being quarantined. We're being detained.' Americans stuck in Cambodia amid pandemic
  6. [Reutors] White House urges Americans not to hoard as coronavirus death toll hits 62
  7. [Reutors] UPDATE 3-White House urges Americans not to hoard as coronavirus death toll hits 62

8위 York 1.32% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] New York City schools to close Monday to fight coronavirus
  2. [Independent] Coronavirus: Ohio closes restaurants and bars as New York official calls for similar shutdown
  3. [Independent] Coronavirus: New York closes all schools leaving 1.1m children at home
  4. [ABC News] Governor: New York City to close schools to fight the coronavirus, shutting the nation's largest public school system
  5. [Reutors] New York Fed full statement: Treasuries, mortgage-backed securities
  6. [Independent] Coronavirus: New York mayor tells diplomats everyone has been exposed, as governor calls for Trump to deploy army

9위 Monday 1.1% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Government official: Coronavirus vaccine trial starts Monday
  2. [USA Today] Stocks poised for plunge Monday as Dow futures drop 1,000 points despite Fed rate cut to zero
  3. [StarTribune] New York City schools to close Monday to fight coronavirus
  4. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-Deutsche Bank to operate globally in split teams from Monday
  5. [Reutors] Deutsche Bank to operate globally in split teams from Monday

10위 House 1.1% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] White House acts to protect Trump during virus outbreak
  2. [Reutors] White House urges Americans not to hoard as coronavirus death toll hits 62
  3. [Reutors] UPDATE 3-White House urges Americans not to hoard as coronavirus death toll hits 62
  4. [Reutors] White House urges against 'hoarding' as Trump talks to grocery store executives
  5. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-White House urges against 'hoarding' as Trump talks to grocery store executives
#Coronavirus #Trump #Fed #U.S. #New #Biden #Americans #York #Monday #House #뉴스속보 #뉴스 #이슈링크 #이슈 #실검 #실시간검색어

출처 : 이슈링크
앱 다운로드

해외뉴스 이슈 순위 Top10 관련 기사 - 2019년 12월 12일 09시 기준

1위 U.S. 3.21% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Factbox: How the North American trade deal will affect labor, environment, drugs
  2. [USA Today] Deputies use lasso to rescue deer from frozen pond
  3. [USA Today] Texas officer run over, killed during traffic stop
  4. [Reutors] Director of Pemex's exploration unit ordered removed from post, banned from holding public office
  5. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-U.S. holds most successful Alaska oil and gas lease sale in 13 years
  6. [The Guardian] Israel heads for unprecedented third election in a year as stalemate continues
  7. [Reutors] Fed keeps rates on hold, points to 'favorable' economic outlook next year
  8. [StarTribune] Ocasio-Cortez says Fox News airs 'unmitigated racism'
  9. [USA Today] Report: Colorado Eagles staff member dressed in blackface as Akim Aliu during 2011 party
  10. [Reutors] Six out of six for Bayern as they outclass Tottenham

2위 Trump 1.78% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen seeks reduction in U.S. prison term
  2. [USA Today] USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Impeach President Trump
  3. [Independent] Could an independent watchdog's FBI report banish Trump's conspiracy theories? No chance
  4. [CNN] Senate Republicans come around to idea of not having witnesses in impeachment trial
  5. [USA Today] Majority of Americans say Trump did not cooperate with impeachment, sought to hinder investigation, poll says
  6. [Reutors] U.S. House passes massive defense bill, heads to Senate
  7. [CNN] Michael Cohen asks judge to cut his prison sentence, says Attorney General Barr is biased against him
  8. [CBS News] Trump signs executive order targeting anti-Semitism on college campuses
  9. [StarTribune] Sinclair dumping former Trump aide Epshteyn's commentaries
  10. [CNN] Trump publicly minimizes impeachment while he stews privately

3위 New 1.61% 관련 반응

  1. [ABC News] Ravens wary of surging Jets in Thursday night matchup
  2. [Reutors] Factbox: How the North American trade deal will affect labor, environment, drugs
  3. [Independent] AOC says she won't appear on Fox while ad revenue 'bankrolls white supremacist sympathiser' Tucker Carlson
  4. [Reutors] With Netanyahu's fate in question, Israel heads to new election
  5. [StarTribune] Ocasio-Cortez says Fox News airs 'unmitigated racism'
  6. [USA Today] Articles establish nothing impeachable and allege no crime: GOP leader of House Judiciary
  7. [USA Today] NJ Officials ID shooters in Kosher market killing
  8. [StarTribune] Israel heads to 3rd straight election after parliament vote
  9. [USA Today] USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Impeach President Trump
  10. [USA Today] Majority of Americans say Trump did not cooperate with impeachment, sought to hinder investigation, poll says

4위 Fed 1.34% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] House OKs defense bill, parental leave for federal workers
  2. [Reutors] Fed keeps rates on hold, points to 'favorable' economic outlook next year
  3. [CNN] House passes defense bill that would include paid family leave for federal workers for the first time
  4. [CNN] Michael Cohen asks judge to cut his prison sentence, says Attorney General Barr is biased against him
  5. [USA Today] Fed leaves rates alone, foresees no moves in 2020
  6. [Reutors] Powell signals Fed open to adjusting regulations to keep money markets stable
  7. [ABC News] How major stock indexes fared Wednesday
  8. [Reutors] UPDATE 5-FAA probes Boeing 737 MAX production, ex-manager warns of 'a factory in chaos'
  9. [Reutors] Motive unclear in deadly New Jersey kosher grocery rampage - officials
  10. [Reutors] Fed keeps interest rates on hold amid 'favorable' economic outlook

5위 Weinstein 1.16% 관련 반응

  1. [ABC News] Report: Weinstein reaches tentative $25M deal with accusers
  2. [Reutors] Harvey Weinstein reaches tentative $25 million settlement with accusers - NY Times
  3. [The Guardian] Weinstein reaches $25m settlement with more than 30 women ? report
  4. [Reutors] Harvey Weinstein reaches tentative $25 million settlement with accusers: NY Times
  5. [BBC News] Harvey Weinstein dodders out of court with walking frame
  6. [The Telegraph] Harvey Weinstein and company reach $25 million settlement in civil suit
  7. [Independent] Harvey Weinstein: $25m deal with sex abuse accusers could see him avoid admitting guilt, report says
  8. [Independent] Weinstein 'not seeking sympathy' by using walking frame at court, lawyer says
  9. [Reutors] Harvey Weinstein reaches tentative $25 milllion settlement with accusers: NY Times
  10. [Reutors] Harvey Weinstein reaches tentative $25 mln settlement with accusers -NY Times

6위 Jersey 1.07% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Jersey City victims remembered as dedicated, charitable
  2. [USA Today] NJ Officials ID shooters in Kosher market killing
  3. [USA Today] Associated Press top stories from December 11th
  4. [ABC News] Timeline of events that left 5 victims and 2 attackers dead
  5. [CBS News] MLB players will sport Nike swoosh on front of jerseys
  6. [CBS News] N.J. attackers are suspects in earlier killing of Uber driver
  7. [Reutors] Motive unclear in deadly New Jersey kosher grocery rampage - officials
  8. [USA Today] What we know about Jersey City shooting: Suspects tied to prior killing, motive unclear
  9. [ABC News] New Jersey mayor says attackers targeted Jewish market
  10. [CBS News] Jersey City shooting victims and suspects identified

7위 Zealand 1.07% 관련 반응

  1. [Reutors] Death toll from New Zealand volcano eruption rises to 8 as island remains inaccessible
  2. [Reutors] NZ officials say White Island volcano remains 'highly volatile'
  3. [Reutors] Death toll from New Zealand volcano eruption rises to eight as island remains inaccessible
  4. [Reutors] New Zealand burn surgeons taken to limits of expertise - specialist
  5. [USA Today] Two more dead after New Zealand volcano eruption, police say. Dozens remain hospitalized
  6. [CBS News] Death toll from New Zealand volcanic eruption rises to 8
  7. [The Guardian] New Zealand volcano death toll rises to eight
  8. [The Guardian] New Zealand volcano disaster: confirmed death toll rises to eight
  9. [Reutors] New Zealand burns surgeons taken to limits of expertise - specialist
  10. [Reutors] New Zealand burns surgeons taken to limits of expertise: specialist

8위 House 0.98% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] House OKs defense bill, parental leave for federal workers
  2. [Reutors] Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen seeks reduction in U.S. prison term
  3. [USA Today] Articles establish nothing impeachable and allege no crime: GOP leader of House Judiciary
  4. [USA Today] USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Impeach President Trump
  5. [CNN] House passes defense bill that would include paid family leave for federal workers for the first time
  6. [Reutors] U.S. House passes massive defense bill, heads to Senate
  7. [CBS News] 2020 Daily Trail Markers: Bloomberg throws $10 million at House Dems
  8. [CNN] What House Judiciary lawmakers said about impeachment in 1998 -- and in 2019
  9. [CBS News] Mick Mulvaney summons feuding health care officials to White House
  10. [Reutors] U.S. poised to give federal workers 12 weeks of paid parental leave

9위 City 0.89% 관련 반응

  1. [StarTribune] Jersey City victims remembered as dedicated, charitable
  2. [USA Today] NJ Officials ID shooters in Kosher market killing
  3. [USA Today] Associated Press top stories from December 11th
  4. [BBC News] Jesus hat-trick inspires Man City win at Dinamo Zagreb
  5. [ABC News] Timeline of events that left 5 victims and 2 attackers dead
  6. [BBC News] Swansea City 1-1 Blackburn Rovers: Andrew Ayew rescues Swans
  7. [USA Today] What we know about Jersey City shooting: Suspects tied to prior killing, motive unclear
  8. [The Guardian] Migrant hailed after rescuing man in wheelchair from fire
  9. [Reutors] Jesus hat-trick gives Man City 4-1 win at Dinamo
  10. [BBC News] Harvey Weinstein dodders out of court with walking frame

10위 Senate 0.8% 관련 반응

  1. [CNN] Senate Republicans come around to idea of not having witnesses in impeachment trial
  2. [Reutors] U.S. House passes massive defense bill, heads to Senate
  3. [Reutors] UPDATE 1-U.S. Senate committee backs Russia energy bills, delays vote on sanctions 'from hell'
  4. [Reutors] Trump now open to idea of shorter Senate trial: sources
  5. [CBS News] Lindsey Graham on DOJ watchdog report on FBI: Everyone involved "hated" Trump
  6. [Independent] Trump's FBI 'deep state' conspiracy not backed by evidence, watchdog tells Senate
  7. [CNN] Whistleblower's team preparing for possibility of Senate testimony
  8. [Reutors] As U.S. House impeachment looms, Senate, Trump grapple over next moves
  9. [Reutors] Factbox: Key players in U.S. Senate trial if House impeaches Trump
  10. [Reutors] U.S. Senate committee passes Russia energy bills, delays vote on sanctions 'from hell'
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